Enterprise Email

What is it'

During 2011, Army email users will migrate to Enterprise Email service. Instead of accessing email through local email servers at each installation, users will reach through the network to access their email services from the Department of Defense "cloud".

The Army is the first service to migrate to Enterprise Email as part of a larger DoD effort. The goal is to improve capabilities and security, while simultaneously reducing costs. The HQDA staff will be among the first Army users to migrate to the new email service. Migration refers to the automated process of copying current email and calendar data from each user's local email account to their Enterprise Email account. The process normally occurs overnight at a time coordinated with customers to minimize operational impact.

What has the Army done'

In September 2010, the Army and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) agreed to initiate the migration of Army users' email address and calendars to the DISA-managed exchange service.

What does the Army have planned for the future'

The objective of enterprise email is for all of DoD to use the same service, enabling collaboration across the entire department. The initial migration begins on Jan. 31, 2011, with about 2000, selected email users from the Information Technology Agency (ITA), Office of the Chief Information Officer/G6, NETCOM/9th Signal Command (Army), and the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command.

HQDA staff is scheduled to begin migration no later than March 1, 2011, immediately following successful migration of the first wave of users. The rest of the Army will migrate by Dec. 31, 2011. The ITA and 7th Signal Command (Theater) will manage the HQDA migration.

Why is this important to the Army and to individual Soldiers'

Enterprise Email enables users to access their Army email from any Defense Department location and to collaborate with any Army user worldwide via a global address list. Enterprise email users will experience a range of service improvements. Enterprise Email provides a minimum four gigabytes of on-line email storage - that's 40 times the current baseline - so users no longer need to worry about exceeding mailbox size limits. Enterprise Email allows Army users to share calendars and contact information across DoD, eliminating gaps caused by multiple email service providers based on unit, installation, or DoD component. Enterprise Email accounts remain on-line, active and accessible during PCS moves and unit relocations, eliminating user "down-time."


<a href="http://ciog6.army.mil/ " target="_blank"> Army CIO/G6 </a>