FORT GORDON, Ga.--Fort Gordon Unit Ministry Teams hosted a Community Thanksgiving Service and Luncheon Nov. 23 at the Gordon Club main ballroom.
More than 300 guests heard Peter and Gracie Rosenberger, of Nashville, Tenn., sing and tell their story of tragedy and courage. Gracie, the author of "Gracie, Standing With Hope," wrote about her struggle to live every day with unrelenting pain. On Nov. 18, 1983 Gracie was involved in a horrific car accident that left her life in the balance. While driving from Nashville to meet a friend in Arkansas, she fell asleep at the wheel and hit head-on into the end of the concrete abutment framing a culvert. The front of her Honda wrapped itself around the barrier, slamming her body against the rapidly crumpling car. It took ninety seconds for her life to be violently and irreparably changed. After 73 medical operations and the loss of both legs she still remains a remarkable woman, who has overcome adversity through dignity and strength, and has been an inspiration to all she meets.
Overseeing Gracie's nearly $9 million dollars in healthcare costs, managing treatment by more than three dozen specialists, and hundreds of hospitalizations, is Peter, her husband. His insights and expertise regarding caregivers continues to propel him to speak and write on such topics as healthcare, disability issues, and marriage/family concerns.
Peter, Gracie, and their sons, Grayson and Parker, founded the non-profit ministry they named, Standing With Hope. Through this ministry they deliver their message of hope to disability organizations, schools, churches and hospitals. Gracie's vision is to bring limb fabrication training to local workers in developing countries. This training, along with the ongoing equipment and supplies from Standing With Hope, helps build an infrastructure to care for the lifetime needs of amputees.
"Gracie knows tragedy and pain; she understands what it takes to survive life's most traumatic circumstances. Rising from the ashes of despair, she's brought courage, faith, hope and strength to America's Wounded Warriors. I'm overwhelmed by her personal struggle and determination to let Christ flood her soul. Her story is gripping, emotional, encouraging; super-charged with God's healing Grace," said Chaplain (Col.) Craig N. Wiley, Fort Gordon installation chaplain.
As the program concluded, Gracie's beautiful and powerful voice sang "God Bless America," as Peter accompanied her on the piano.
Others on the program included the Signal Corps Band, Michelle Boshears, reciting a Native American reading; Marshall Abuwi providing a prayer for the nation; and Jon Shoenholz praying the benediction.
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