REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. -- The U.S. Army's Top 10 Greatest Inventions award winners will be formally recognized in a ceremony Nov. 29 during the 27th Army Science Conference in Orlando, Fla.
The program, which began in 2002, recognizes the Army's latest inventions in science and technology that demonstrate a significant impact to Army capabilities, potential benefits outside the Army, and overall inventiveness. Marilyn M. Freeman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology, is anticipated to present the awards.
A panel of non-commissioned officers with recent combat experience and field grade officers from the Training and Doctrine Command evaluate the submissions.
This year the U.S. Army will recognize the following inventions that were fielded during 2009:
40mm Pivoting Coupling
Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
The new pivoting coupling for 40mm linked ammunition allows the ability to re-link single rounds, partial belts, or full belts in the field. Re-linking ammunition belts allows Soldiers to provide a continuous fire capability. The new M16A2 pivoting coupling will also reduce the salvage costs of field ammunition.
Burn Fluid Resuscitation Support System
U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research
The Burn Fluid Resuscitation Decision Support System, or BRDSS, was developed to reduce the over and under resuscitation of burn casualties that may potentially occur when patients are resuscitated manually using standard approaches. BRDSS provides the user with recommendations on fluid amounts during the initial 48 hours after injury for patients that have greater than 20 percent total body surface burns and is proven to increase the percentage of patients within resuscitation targets while improving major patient outcomes.
Counter RCIED Electronic Warfare Duke V3
Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
The Duke V3 system is a field deployable, single unit system using state-of-the-art electronic warfare technology for vehicle RCIED protection. The design has been engineered to reduce weight, size, and power requirements to provide simple operation with optimal tactical performance.
Landmine Blast Field Event Reconstruction
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center
TARDEC's Concepts, Analysis, System Simulation and Integration-Analytics team developed a method to reconstruct an underbody blast field event using data gathered from theater. The full vehicle system analysis included all key blast phenomenon elements: soil, charge, air, vehicle and occupant. It enables analysts to bridge the gap between live-fire testing and actual field events for these complex and highly transient events. It also allows product development teams to consider real-world scenarios that may not be reflected in existing test and evaluation procedures and will ultimately improve existing systems and enhance warfighter survivability.
M320 40mm Grenade Launcher
Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
The 40MM M320 Grenade Launcher attaches under the barrel of the rifle or carbine, similar to the M203, but can quickly convert to a stand-alone weapon and vice-versa, dependent on the mission's needs. The integral day/night sighting system combined with a hand-held laser rangefinder allow for accurate placement of rounds out to the maximum effective range of fielded ammunition and increase the first-round probability of hit.
MWRAP Overhead Wire Mitigation Kit
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center
The objective of the MRAP OWM kit is to move wires safely up and over the vehicles, protecting the crew and equipment. The OWM kit also helps preserve the local infrastructure by preventing power, communication and laundry lines from being torn down by military vehicles.
Objective Weapon Elevation Kit
Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
The system equips warfighters with the capability to safely engage elevated targets at up to 80 degrees while remaining in a protected posture within the Objective Gunner Protection Kit. To date, more than700 systems have been fielded through Program Manager-Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles and U.S. Special Operations Command. Entirely designed, developed and produced by Soldiers and government personnel at government facilities.
Rucksack Enhanced Portable Power System
Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
The Rucksack Enhanced Portable Power System is a state-of-the-art, lightweight, portable power system capable of recharging batteries and/or acting as a continuous power source. This system enables a whole spectrum of delivering power and charging customized to meet the Soldier's needs.
Upgrade from Unmanned Aerial System for AH64D Apache
Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center
The Upgraded Video from Unmanned Aerial Systems for Interoperability Teaming, or Upgraded VUIT-2, for the AH-64D Apache provides the Soldier with enhanced capabilities such as increased survivability and lethality. Improvements included design enhancements, new software, reduced ElectroMagnetic Interference, EMI, and exploitation of Vortex technology and encryption.
Wolfhound Handheld Threat Warning System
Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
Wolfhound is a handheld Radio Frequency Threat Warning and Direction Finding System designed for simplified operations. A very portable, ruggedized, accurate, low power DF system, supports stand alone and cooperative use in austere conditions and supports fixed site, man-pack and vehicle-mounted operations. It also rapidly geo-locates RF transmitters operating in the Very High Frequency and Ultra High Frequency bands.
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