Wallace is exactly where she wants to be

By Trish Muntean, Fort Wainwright PAOOctober 29, 2010

Eileen Wallace
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska - Finding someone who is satisfied with where they are in their life is a rewarding experience. Eileen Wallace is one of those people.

Wallace is the Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist on Fort Wainwright and known

throughout the community for her compassion, problem-solving ability, professionalism

and attention to detail.

"She truly cares about the people who work on Fort Wainwright - be they employees,

supervisors or managers," said Cindy Blum, garrison administration officer. "She will

pursue the knowledge and skills she needs to do the best job she can to help her


"She's a problem-solver, always working to find solutions," said Angela Major, chief,

Plans, Analysis & Integration Office. She takes collaboration to a whole new level."

Mae Marsh, friend and mentor said, "You can trust Eileen will not allow her personal

feelings to get in the way of her professional obligations. "She is an EEO

professional that always gives her best, retains her neutrality and is an advocate for due

process under the law."

Renier "Rey" Torres, the Equal Employment Opportunity manager said Wallace is one of the best EEO Specialists he has ever had the pleasure of working with.

Wallace is also the Affirmative Employment manager. Torres said her attention to detail guarantees that reports to higher headquarters are timely, and error-free as well.

Wallace's career in federal service started in 1993 in Fort Ord, Calif., and includes eight years with the Bureau Land Management / Alaska Fire Service. Wallace

said people might be surprised to know that "as a finance person, I traveled with

Alaska village firefighting crews to remote fire locations in Alaska. I packed my tent and

personal gear and my finance kit and slept out in the woods for two weeks at a time. I

have been dropped off by helicopter on the top of a mountain in remote locations."

No matter where Wallace was, or what she was doing, she was working toward her

career goal of becoming an EEO specialist.

"For many years I have been involved in the EEO field in a collateral-duty capacity and I volunteered for additional responsibilities, such as teaching ethics and EEO classes," Wallace said. "I found mentors and I went to them for advice as I found ways to attain my goal. I am a firm believer in mentoring and I have been involved in mentoring for many years. I believe a person should always remember where they came from and then give back when you have the opportunity."

Wallace is giving back to the community through the Toastmasters Club and Garrison

Mentorship Program said Jeanette Mitchell, executive assistant to the U.S. Army

Alaska deputy commander. "Both of those programs are designed to assist civilian

employees in improving our everyday practices and developing professional civilian

leaders, thus resulting in a comfortable working environment and better customer

service for our Soldiers."

Despite how busy it keeps her, Wallace's life is not all about work. Many of her work

associates are also friends who admire her patience, quiet strength and loyalty.

"She has the patience of a saint, "Blum said. "Eileen is very loyal to her family and

friends and without hesitation will offer to help you in times of need."

Wallace enjoys spending time with her daughters, Sarah Duthie who has two children,

Braeden, 2, and Riley, 1. Her younger daughter is Kim Dooley, the mother of

Wallace's youngest grandchild, William, 6 months. Wallace says her daughters are

the people she admires the most. "They were often there to support me and they

offered friendship and guidance. They are truly phenomenal women."

When not spending time with family and friends, Wallace enjoys reading, photography

and travel.

"I used to do more serious photography and I have photographed some weddings

and done some work with people's children for portrait-type photography," Wallace

said. "These days I would have to say that most of my photography is either of my

grandbabies or my trips. My focus has changed over the years."

"I have been very fortunate to be able to travel a lot in my lifetime and I have found

many of the places I have visited to be extremely interesting and exciting," Wallace said.

"I think one of the most interesting places I visited is Japan. I was struck by the

people there and how polite they are, and how warm and inviting Japan is."

Although she has experienced and accomplished so much, Wallace says she is

"always looking for ways to improve myself and grow, both personally and

professionally. For me the two go hand-in-hand. As I achieve career growth I take

personal satisfaction in my accomplishments. And as I develop personally it allows me

to improve professionally."

"I would have to say that I am doing exactly what I want to be doing right now," Wallace

said. "I am content with my life and I am living it just the way I want to."