FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Oct. 1, 2010) -- Maj. Gen. Rhett A. Hernandez assumed command of the U.S. Army Cyber Command Friday at Fort Belvoir, Va., during a ceremony officiated by Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli.
ARCYBER headquarters will be located in the National Capital Region and will realign Soldiers and Civilians into essential ARCYBER headquarters positions. The total command strength of 21,000 Soldiers and Civilians will be located around the globe.
ARCYBER is the Army's service component command to U.S. Cyber Command, a sub-unified command under U.S. Strategic Command.
ARCYBER's mission is to plan, coordinate, integrate, synchronize, direct, and conduct network operations and defense of all Army networks. When directed, ARCYBER will conduct cyberspace operations in support of full spectrum operations to ensure U.S. and allied freedom of action in cyberspace, and to deny the same to adversaries.
Before today, the Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Command, under Lt. Gen. Kevin T. Campbell, has led the Army's cyberspace operations in support of U.S. Cyber Command. The establishment of ARCYBER brings a unity of effort and synchronization of Army Forces operations within the Army cyber domain, officials said.
"Today is a historic day for the Army, Department of Defense and the nation," Hernandez said during the ceremony. "Today, Army Cyber Command assumes the cyber mission and brings unprecedented unity of effort and synchronization of all Army forces operating within cyberspace."
NETCOM/9th Signal Command and portions of the 1st Information Operations
Command (Land) will be subordinate units to the new command. Additionally, the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command will be under the operational control of ARCYBER for cyber-related actions.
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