Closure less thanone year away

By Col. Deborah B. GraysSeptember 16, 2010

Closure less than one year away
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Closure less than one year away
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Commander's Message

Garrison Commander

Fort McPherson and Fort Gillem

Sept. 15 marked one year until Fort McPherson closes and Fort Gillem transitions to an enclave.

The years since the BRAC closure list was announced in 2005 have flown by; the next 12 months will pass even more quickly.

I'm thrilled to see so many employees are preparing for the closure.

The participation at our quarterly BRAC town hall meetings indicates you are actively working to stay informed.

The number and range of questions asked at each session show this progression - no longer am I being asked whether the installation really is going to close ... now the questions focus more on transitions as you consider moving to new jobs, retirement and other personal options.

Not only are you working to stay informed, but you're taking actions to ensure your security: 39 employees have requested and been approved for VSIP (Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments).

Aca,!Ac230 employees have received early Priority Placement Program (PPP) counseling so that when early PPP took affect Wednesday, your information was complete and accurate.

Aca,!AcNearly 350 of you have taken advantage of the training opportunities through the BRAC career counselor at the BRAC mobile unit computer lab.

Whether your plans for the future include continuing to work with the federal government, retiring, starting your own business, returning to school or something else completely, the key to succeeding in any of these endeavors is preparation.

If you are interested in remaining with the federal government, contact your servicing civilian personnel representative to see how they can assist you and for more information on how you can help yourself.

A BRAC career counselor can help employees with career exploration and assessment, individual training plans, Georgia work ready certification, job search preparation, labor market information and creating a rAfAsumAfA.

For information on when a counselor is available, see the "BRAC career counselor" item in the Community Briefs section of this issue of the Sentinel.

The next BRAC town hall meeting is scheduled for Nov. 18 at the Fort McPherson Post Theater.

While most of you are working on your future life and career changes, for numerous individuals, those transitions are happening now.

Many of our co-workers are leaving us to retire, accept employment elsewhere or follow other paths away from Fort McPherson and Fort Gillem.

It is vital that we let those who are departing know how valuable their service has been.

Take the time to let them know the role they have played in your professional life - whether the person is someone who is leaving your unit or who has either been your customer or provided service to you.

All of our employees, military and Civilian, have made a difference in the success of our mission, and it is only fitting that their departures are made a celebration of the impact they have made to the betterment of our installations.

Sometimes we don't know the effect we have on other people's lives until they tell us; take the time to let someone know they have made a difference to you.

Also, as we count down the days until closure, we find ourselves experiencing "final" milestones. Last week we had our final Patriot Day ceremony, and Teacher Appreciation Reception.

There will be many more of these "final" events over the next year ... I hope to see the highest levels of participation and attendance.

After all, each of these events are, at some level, historical.

These next 363 days will be very busy.

Changes will come quickly and often and we will each be tested for our flexibility, patience and resourcefulness.

Whatever comes our way, your professionalism will ensure we meet those changes with the greatest success.