JTF-CS welcomes new commander

By Maj. Jefferson Wolfe, JTF-CS PAOJuly 18, 2010

Guidon pass
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT MONROE, Va. - Army Lt. Gen. Guy Swan III, the commanding general of U.S. Army North and Fort Sam Houston, passes the colors of Joint Task Force - Civil Support colors to Air Force Brig. Gen. Jonathan Treacy (center right), the unit's new command... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Group salute
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT MONROE, Va. - Air Force Brig. Gen. Jonathan Treacy (left), the new commander of Joint Task Force - Civil Support; Army Lt. Gen. Guy Swan III, the commanding general of U.S. Army North and Fort Sam Houston; Maj. Gen. Daniel Long Jr. (front left),... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT MONROE, Va. - Joint Task Force - Civil Support has a "no-fail mission," declared its new commander: to provide life saving and life-sustaining capabilities to local and state leaders in the wake of a catastrophic event.

Such was the message delivered by Air Force Brig. Gen. Jonathan Treacy as he assumed command of JTF-CS from Army Maj. Gen. Daniel "Chip" Long Jr. during a July 2 ceremony in Continental Park.

"I'm very honored to be here and certainly very privileged to be here," he told the crowd of approximately 300. "We will continue to dedicate ourselves to the process of continual improvement."

JTF-CS is focused on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or high-yield Explosive consequence management planning and preparedness, and command and control, of Department of Defense forces following a catastrophic CBRNE incident. Its mission is to save lives, prevent further injury and provide temporary critical support to enable community recovery.

"I can think of no more important calling than to be here and be ready to provide aid and comfort to our fellow Americans," said Treacy, a federalized Hawaii Air National Guardsman. "This is an absolute 'no-fail' mission."

JTF-CS and the CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force are changing in the next year, he said. In 2011, JTF-CS is to move from Fort Monroe to a new building under construction at Fort Eustis.

At the same time, the CCMRF is to add approximately 1,000 forces from around the country, which will bring the total of the renamed Defense CBRNE Response Force to approximately 5,200.

Lt. Gen. Guy Swan III, the commanding general of U.S. Army North and Fort Sam Houston, Texas, served as the ceremony's presiding official and said the United States needs a standing, ready-to-go capability in the event of a CBRNE incident.

"That organization," he declared, "is Joint Task Force - Civil Support."

Swan praised Long, the outgoing commander, for his work during his three years at JTF-CS and his 47 years of military service. During Long's tenure, the secretary of defense assigned CCMRF personnel to JTF-CS for the first time.

JTF-CS has forces allocated from across the United States ready to support local and state authorities in the aftermath of a CBRNE incident. Long was able to combine the geographically dispersed force and into a unified team, he said.

"Chip has been the right commander for this pivotal period of JTF-CS," Swan said, adding that because of Long's central role, the nation is better prepared to face unthinkable threats.

Speaking before those assembled, Long thanked his Family, the staff of JTF-CS, the CCMRF task force commanders and all the people who worked during his tenure.

"I call this unit a national asset," he said. "If there's a crisis of some kind, these units are well trained to do what the nation expects them to do."

JTF-CS and the CCMRF will continue to evolve and get better, Long said, adding Treacy is well prepared to do great things as JTF-CS commander.

Swan shared Long's assessment of Treacy.

"Just like Chip, I'm confident that you are the right guy, in the right job, at the right time," Swan told Treacy.

Treacy comes to JTF-CS after serving as the deputy director for Antiterrorism and Homeland Defense, Joint Staff, since January 2009. In that position, he served as the primary advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the chairman's capacity as principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense and the President for all matters relating to antiterrorism, force protection, homeland defense and defense support to civilian authorities.

Treacy directed the efforts of three divisions and led more than 65 hand-picked Joint Staff officers, noncommissioned officers and civilians in the planning and support of worldwide antiterrorism and force protection measures, and homeland defense and domestic military support operations.

Long, a federalized Virginia National Guardsman, has been the JTF-CS commander since July 2007. Previously, he served as the principal assistant to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, responsible for formulating and coordinating plans and support to the southwest border security mission. He also served as the senior military officer assigned to the Joint Iraq/Afghanistan Study Group and commanded Task Force Care/Katrina.

During a deployment to Iraq, Long was the deputy director and then director of the Project and Contracting Office from September 2004 to September 2005. He also commanded the 29th Infantry Division (Light) from August 2002 to August 2004.

JTF-CS is a standing joint task force established in 1999 composed of active, reserve and National Guard members from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. The task force also includes civilian and contract personnel. To accomplish this, JTF-CS works closely with many other federal, state and local agencies.

JTF-CS is assigned to U.S. Northern Command. The commander of U.S. Army North serves as the Joint Force Land Component Command's commander and has operational control of JTF-CS.


Guidon pass.

FORT MONROE, Va. - Army Lt. Gen. Guy Swan III, the commanding general of U.S. Army North and Fort Sam Houston, passes the colors of Joint Task Force - Civil Support colors to Air Force Brig. Gen. Jonathan Treacy (center right), the unit's new commander, during the change of command ceremony at Continental Park July 2 at Fort Monroe, Va., as Maj. Gen. Daniel Long Jr. (front left), the unit's outgoing commander, and Command Master Chief Petty Officer Glenn Hopkins watch on.

(Photo by H. J. Bentley III, JTF-CS PAO)

Group salute.

FORT MONROE, Va. - Air Force Brig. Gen. Jonathan Treacy (left), the new commander of Joint Task Force - Civil Support; Army Lt. Gen. Guy Swan III, the commanding general of U.S. Army North and Fort Sam Houston; Maj. Gen. Daniel Long Jr. (front left), the unit's outgoing commander; and Command Master Chief Petty Officer Glenn Hopkins (back row), render salutes for the National Anthem during the unit's change of command ceremony at Continental Park July 2 at Fort Monroe, Va.

(Photo by H. J. Bentley III, JTF-CS PAO)
