Father and son reunite in Iraq

By Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Maes, 12th CABMay 28, 2010

Father and son reunite in Iraq
Command Sgt. Maj. Jorge O. Soriano, 412th Aviation Support Battalion (right), poses with his son, Spc. Diego O. Soriano, outside the headquarters of Company C, 1st Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, "The Old Guard," May 22, 2010. Father and son had no... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Ideally, the bond between a father and son can endure time, distance and separation. At least that has been the case for the Soriano family.

"The opportunity to visit my son has been the best part of this deployment so far," said Command Sgt. Maj. Jorge O. Soriano.

Soriano, the 412th Aviation Support Battalion's command sergeant major, traveled to Camp Taji May 21, 2010, to visit his son, Spc. Diego O. Soriano, a 21-year-old infantryman with Company C, 1st Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, "The Old Guard".

The father and son hadn't seen each other since the summer of 2009, before they both deployed to Iraq. The pace of the mission had kept the older Soriano too busy to consider the visit until recently, but he was very glad it finally happened.

"It has been a very special couple of days," he said. "I appreciate the company leadership giving my son time off to spend with me. It's very much appreciated."

The visit meant just as much to the younger Soriano, who also recognized the significance of the moment.

"The visit was unexpected, but it means a lot," he said. "I remember we had a conversation after 9/11 about how the world would change and here we are nine years later in Iraq together."

The younger Soriano enlisted in the Army after graduating from Enterprise High School near Fort Rucker, Ala.

While the service of his father and older brother, Mar, who is currently deployed to Afghanistan with the U.S. Air Force, was an important part of his decision to enlist, he also felt an even stronger motivation.

"I watched the news and heard the names of Soldiers killed and I decided I wanted to help," he said.

He took the oath of enlistment in January 2007 in front of more than 600 members of his father's class at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas.

"I was pretty nervous but I'll definitely never forget it," he said.

His willingness to stand up and be counted didn't end there. Last year, though the younger Soriano was assigned to another company in his battalion at Fort Myer, he volunteered to deploy with Co. C. After a little help from his father, he was able to serve on the first deployment of an Old Guard unit to a combat zone since the Vietnam War.

"This Soldier has blazed a trail with the rest of Charlie Company," said Co. C's 1st Sgt. Javier Montanez. "They know the history; they know what this deployment means."

Spc. Soriano recalled that his proudest moment here in Iraq was leaving the base on his first patrol.

"Nothing happened, but it was exciting to finally get outside the wire," he said.

Any worries that his father may have about Soriano serving in harm's way are tempered by his pride.

"I don't worry too much. I pray like any other father," he said. "I'm proud that he wanted to serve his country in a time of war and I'm glad he's doing what he wants to do."

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