How do you feel about the teen curfew'

By Tiffany NaborsMay 6, 2010

Post leaders are considering a change to the current curfew hours for teens younger than 16, but they want to know your thoughts before they do so.

The proposed change, which would require youngsters to be in their homes by 10 p.m. every night, is part of a bigger push to keep teens out of trouble, said Fort Benning Chief of Police Kevin Clarke.

Clarke said the number of juvenile offenses tends to rise with the temperature during the summer break from school.

"Most kids get involved (with bad behavior) because they have nothing else to do," he said. "We're trying to get kids off the streets before they get in trouble."

Clarke said shoplifting, loitering, damaging property and breaking into homes are the most common juvenile problems on post. To target these issues, residents will see more police officers patrolling on bicycles or on foot so they can interact with residents and get to know the community better.

"We have established a Juvenile Crimes Prevention Working Group," Clarke said. "This is a collaborative effort between police, the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, the Public Affairs Office, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Army and Air Force Exchange Service and Post Housing."

As part of this effort, DFMWR is partnering with housing to bring youth activities like extreme sports and game nights to the villages in addition to the installation format they are already offering.

"We are all very excited about this and plan on announcing the details of the schedule soon," Clarke said.

Teens who are caught violating the curfew are picked up and taken to their parents, but multiple offenses could land them at the police station, Clarke said.

"Most kids don't get into trouble, but we do have some, which is why we're looking at programs that they're interested in, to keep them out of trouble," said George Steuber, Deputy Garrison Commander.

Parents and teens can read the U.S. Army Infantry Center's Regulation 210-5 for garrison rules. Visit

To share your thoughts about the curfew, cast your vote at

Aca,!Ac All dependents and guests under the age of 16 are required to be in their quarters between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and after midnight on Friday and Saturday each night unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Aca,!Ac Individuals to whom family quarters are assigned are responsible for the conduct of all members of their family, their guests and domestic employees while occupying said quarters.

Aca,!Ac Use of obscene, vulgar, or profane language in public areas on post is prohibited. Music or other recorded media played with such language will not be tolerated.

Aca,!Ac Playing of hand-carried radios and electronic sound devices in any Post Exchange facility, Army commissary, installation movie theater or military bus is prohibited, unless such devices are equipped with headphones and are being used for private listening.

Aca,!Ac Bicycles will be ridden in single file only. Skateboarders, roller skaters and in-line skaters must wear an approved helmet. Use of headphones or earphones is prohibited when skating on roadways. Skateboarding and skating is prohibited after dark.

Aca,!Ac The introduction, possession and use of fireworks is prohibited except for authorized military training and approved public demonstrations.

Want to share your thoughts about the curfew' Fort Benning leaders want your input. To cast your vote, visit

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How do you feel about the teen curfew'