Revision of Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System

By U.S. ArmyApril 29, 2010

Revision of Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System

What is it'

The Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System (AMOPES), provides a framework for mobilization, operations planning and execution using current capabilities through the levels of mobilization and during reconstitution of forces. Additionally, AMOPES provides the procedures and guidance necessary to plan and execute Army support to contingency operations and approved mobilization plans. It consolidates Army policies, procedures and plans in terms of development, coordination, dissemination, review and approval of mobilization plans.

AMOPES documents planning and execution policy and guidance for operations requiring Reserve Component (RC) involuntary call-up/mobilization and operations supported by RC voluntary mobilizations. AMOPES also documents detailed policy and guidance for crisis response, demobilization, survival, recovery and reconstitution of the Army. In the event of a global threat, AMOPES provides strategic level guidance in the event of total mobilization.

What has the Army done'

HQDA G- 3/5/7 Mobilization Division is currently conducting a revision of AMOPES. Army Regulation 500-5 Army Mobilization directs that HQDA G- 3/5/7 develop, publish, distribute and maintain AMOPES by conducting a review and a revision every two years. The intent of the revision is to coordinate the structure and content of AMOPES with Army Staff, Army Commands (ACOMs), Direct Reporting Units (DRUs), Army Service Component Commands (ASCCs) and Army components of unified commands. All functional proponents review and prepare appropriate portions and annexes of AMOPES to ensure that AMOPES is an integrated planning and execution system used to ensure that the Army RCs are capable of rapid and proficient mobilization in order to support combatant commanders during military operations.

What efforts does the Army plan to continue in the future'

A significant effort is underway to republish AR 500-5 Army Mobilization. Since 9/11, the reliance on the RCs has increased. The goal is to update both AMOPES and AR 500-5 so that procedures support RC's transformation from a strategic reserve to an operational force.

Why is this important to the Army'

AMOPES provides the procedure necessary to plan and execute Army Reserve Component's support to contingency operations. AMOPES provides a source document for issuing policy, procedures, guidance, and planning assumptions for several functional areas, including training, mobilization, deployment, redeployment, and sustainment.


<a href="" target="_blank"> Army Reserve Mobilization Link</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> Army Mobilization Regulation</a>