
What is it'

With the pace of continuous combat operations in two wars for the past eight years, we are consuming our readiness as fast as we can build it. Reset restores returning units - their Soldiers, families, and equipment - to a level of readiness necessary for future missions. Our Reset plans include four goals - revitalize Soldiers and families to reestablish and strengthen relationships following deployments; repair, replace, and recapitalize equipment affected by the harsh environments of the war; retrain Soldiers, leaders, and units to build critical skills necessary to operate across the spectrum of conflict and applying the lessons learned from the reset pilot program.

What has the Army done'

We have improved our ability to reset our Soldiers, families, and equipment. Significant accomplishments in 2009 included:

Aca,!Ac The Army completed the reset of 29 brigades' worth of equipment in FY09 and continued the reset of 13 more. In total, we have reset more than 98,000 pieces of equipment as depot production has doubled since Sept. 11, 2001.

Aca,!Ac We began executing a responsible drawdown in Iraq which will redistribute, transfer, or dispose of 3.4 million pieces of equipment; redeploy 143,000 military and civilian personnel, and 147,000 contractors; close 22 supply support activities; and consume or dispose of over 21,000 short tons of supplies.

Aca,!Ac In 2009, more than 160,000 Soldiers and family members participated in over 2,600 Strong Bonds events designed to strengthen Army families.

For more on what the Army has accomplished, see the <a href="" target="_blank">Army Posture Statement Web site</a>

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future'

Highlights from the FY11 President's Budget include:

Aca,!Ac Provides $10.8 billion to reset Army equipment through the overseas contingency operations (OCO) request.

Aca,!Ac Supports training and sustainment of Army forces to include individual skills and leader training; combined arms training toward full-spectrum operations; and adaptable, phased training based on the ARFORGEN process.

Why is this important to the Army'

Resetting the force is essential to an Army that is conducting continuous combat operations. Responsibly drawing down in Iraq while increasing our commitment of forces and equipment to Afghanistan will require unprecedented reset effort. Army Reset is a process that must continue not only while we have forces deployed, but an additional two to three years after major deployments end.


<a href="" target="_blank">Army Posture Statement Web site</a>

Related STAND-TO! editions

<a href="" target="_blank">STAND-TO! Edition, March 4, 2010: 2010 Army Posture Statement</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">STAND-TO! Edition, March 17, 2010: Sustain</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">STAND-TO! Edition, March 31, 2010: Prepare </a>