Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Integration Cells

By FORSCOM for STAND-TO!March 10, 2010

Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Integration Cells

What is it'

The Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Integration Cell (CI2C) is a 2-4 person team aligned with U.S. Army Forces Command Mission Support Elements at installations hosting corps and division headquarters, and at First Army Mobilization Training Centers. Cell members are the senior commanders' resource for C-IED pre-deployment preparation, tailoring training based on the deploying commanders' mission requirements and training objectives. The CI2C integrates C-IED enablers such as Biometrics and Electronic Warfare Mobile Training Teams and serves as the entry point for all C-IED initiatives at the installation. The CI2C supports Force Provider and Readiness Core Enterprise lead responsibilities to synchronize pre-deployment training requirements supported by Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, and Direct Reporting Units. The CI2C provides an enduring capability to synchronize C-IED training and gives commanders an immediate focus on asymmetric and IED threats.

What has the Army done'

Senior Commanders and First Army MTCs with Training Readiness Authority are charged with preparing deploying units to counter the IED threat by defeating the device and attacking the IED network. In November 2008 FORSCOM proposed the CI2C concept to the Army Asymmetric Warfare Office who brought the initiative to the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). JIEDDO recognized program's merits and funded complementary CI2C programs for the Joint Services. The CI2C now provides a holistic C-IED training program to assist units at home station with the development, design, integration and planning of individual and collective C-IED training by integrating enablers and assimilating emerging tactics, techniques and procedures from the combat theater.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future'

The Army will evolve the CI2C to support unit training requirements and incorporate emerging asymmetric threats as units train for Full Spectrum Operations at home station, Combat Training Centers and at First Army Mobilization Training Centers. FORSCOM will lead the Army's Collective Training Enterprise, leveraging CI2Cs to incorporate new enablers into home station training. Asymmetric Warfare/C-IED conferences will refine collective training guidance and share best practices of integrating theater TTPs and home station training approaches.

Why is this important to the Army'

Improvised explosive devices are an enduring threat to U.S. Forces. Combatant Commanders require deploying forces be proficient in countering this threat. Continuous information exchange with deployed and recently returned units remains critical in determining future development of training guidance. Organizations must continue to remain vigilant in identifying emerging threats and training needs.


<a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Army Forces Command Web site</a>

AKO log in required for the following links (note- only Active Duty Military, Reserve Military and DOD Civilian AKO accounts are allowed):

<a href="" target="_blank"> Chief of Staff of the Army Memorandum, SUBJECT: Comprehensive Review of Collective Training, 13 Jan 2010</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> FORSCOM Counter IED Integration Cell Foyer </a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> Center For Army Lessons Learned, Deployment Training, FORSCOM Message, FORSCOM Pre-deployment Training Guidance for Follow-on Forces Deploying ISO Southwest Asia</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> JIEDDO FY08 Annual Report </a>