Detroit Arsenal educates workforce on strategic initiatives

By Ms. Lori Grein (IMCOM)January 27, 2010

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

DETROIT ARSENAL, Mich. - The U.S. Army Garrison Detroit Arsenal incorporates revolutionary leadership practices to foster an environment for performance excellence and organizational improvement.

Using the Baldridge Criteria, the Performance Excellence Team serves to educate the workforce on strategic initiatives at a grassroots level.

Supporting informal communication chains, the objectives of the PET involve conveying key leadership messages to employees, improving the operational environment, capturing positive changes and work processes and communicating initiatives to peers.

The team is made up of 21 members from each of the garrison directorates and staff offices. Convening twice a month, affiliates highlight current initiatives, programs, services and messages from their respective organizations in order to get the word out.

The PET has also proven to be a vital tool in determining customer feedback. For example, an organization that releases a survey is afforded the opportunity to find out its effectiveness by receiving direct, personal feedback from the representative portion of the workforce.

The PET originally started in December 2008, as a means to tell the garrison's story. The evolution of the teams' goals, however, is credited as a direct result of the interaction and enthusiasm among the members. Emulating the garrison manager's commitment to developing an Army community of excellence, the PET is dedicated to providing the best possible working environment in order to successfully service our Warfighters.

The PET is currently engaged in collecting suggestions from employees to help develop "green" initiatives and save our resources. The group is scheduled to tour the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dearborn, in February to assess the corporation's successful no/low cost actions. Their intent is to bring back winning ideas for garrison implementation.

USAG Detroit Arsenal remains committed to developing innovative ideas for improvement by involving the workforce. The PET has, and continues to serve as a vital communication tool to promote first-rate services and facilities in a quest for an Army community worthy of emulation.

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