We lucky few, we rocketeers

By Capt. Brigham Udall, 3-13th Field ArtilleryJanuary 21, 2010

Happy rocketeers
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SILL, OKla.--The Red Dragons of the 3rd Battalion, 13th Field Artillery, enjoyed a long-delayed return to their primary mission--sending rockets down range--in January.

For the first time in more than two years, Red Dragon rockets impacted the soil of Fort Sill when B and C Batteries completed Field Artillery table VIII qualification Jan. 11-12.

The Red Dragons hadn't fired in more than two years due to a 15-month deployment to Camp Bucca, Iraq, where they carried out detainee operations as military police. They returned to Fort Sill in July 2009, and the Multiple Launch Rocket System battalion worked hard to get back to the job of putting rockets downrange.

Just six months after providing custody and care to extremist detainees, the Red Dragons breathed fire again on Fort Sill for the first time since December 2007. They had to complete all reintegration and reset tasks required by the Army within 180 days upon redeployment.

Lt. Col. Andrew Weatherstone, 3-13th FA commander, was pleased with the efforts of the Red Dragon Soldiers.

"It was just an outstanding week. Safely firing rockets exactly 180 days after redeployment is quite an accomplishment, and it's a credit to everyone from the unit commanders down to the newest Soldier," Weatherstone said.

The joy at performing their jobs again was evident on the faces of the Soldiers. B Battery's Staff Sgt. Benny Gonzalez, the track commander whose MLRS launcher fired off the first rocket, wore a big smile after returning from the firing point.

"They're getting to do what they signed up to do, and that's send rockets down range. This is the first time in over two years that they've been able to do that, and the Soldiers are ecstatic," said Capt. Billy Croslow, C Battery commander.

1st Sgt. Thomas Green, of B Battery, summed up the results of the exercises. "It was a successful start to getting where we want to be. It's great to get back to our core competencies, the Soldiers are thrilled. This has really helped the esprit de corps of the unit," Green said.

A Battery, the battalion's other firing battery, will live fire during Table VIII Qualification at the end of the month.

The battalion plans to build on the momentum gained during the exercise as it prepares for more field training exercises where they will certify platoons and live fire again.