Global Assessment Tool- Online Individual Assessment Tool

What is it'

The Army is committed to a prevention model for the entire force, enhancing Soldiers resilience and coping skills. This model consists of life-long learning that begins by providing individual assessment through the Global Assessment Tool. The Global Assessment Tool (GAT), as part of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program, provides a person with a baseline in the four dimensions of strength: emotional, social, spiritual and family; and provides an opportunity to track self-development and growth in these areas over time.

What has the Army done'

Developed by subject matter experts from the U.S. military and civilian universities, the GAT contains a series of questions prepared by scientists, and tested and validated by Soldiers.

An individual's answers to the GAT are not accessible to others nor are they meant to diagnose. The GAT provides immediate results that allow Soldiers to identify their own personal strengths and weaknesses. Soldiers are able to immediately begin training that will help them enhance their performance and build resilience.

What does the Army have planned for the future'

All Soldiers are able to take the GAT now. The individual's results are linked to Comprehensive Resilience Modules that provide tools to help a person enhance his or her resilience skills in each of the four dimensions.

Soldiers will take the GAT every two years or 120 days following contingency operation deployments. The reserve-component Soldiers are also able to take the GAT every two years, and within 180 days following contingency operation deployments.

Family members will have the opportunity to take the Global Assessment Tool beginning in January 2010, and Army civilians in March 2010.

Why is this important to the Army'

Comprehensive Soldier Fitness is designed to raise the level of importance of psychological fitness to that of physical fitness. The program hails a new era and culture change for the Army, who now also equips and trains its Soldiers to maximize their potential and face the psychological rigors of sustained operations. This assessment and training enhances resilience and coping skills, enabling Soldiers to grow and thrive during this very demanding period of our Army.


AKO log in required: <a href=" " target="_blank"> Global Assessment Tool via Soldier Fitness Tracker</a>

<a href=" " target="_blank"> Comprehensive Soldier Fitness</a>