Thanksgiving message to the team

By Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst, Joint Force Headquarters NCR and Army Military District of WashingtonNovember 24, 2009

Thanksgiving is upon us again. Since the days that the Pilgrims and Native Americans first broke bread together at Plymouth Rock, Thanksgiving has been and still is a very special American holiday that acknowledges and expresses appreciation for all the things we should be grateful for in this wonderful country. It is a time when friends and families get together to say thanks and reflect on those who cannot be there with them - some of which are preserving our country in foreign lands and some of which freely gave their lives for our continued freedom.

For you serving at home, capitalize on this opportunity to relax and enjoy some time with your loved ones. If you do take to the highways for this Thanksgiving Holiday, remember to plan accordingly. Adequate rest and proper preparation becomes even more critical with the potentially challenging driving conditions many of you will face. Commanders, directors and supervisors are all reminded to conduct safety briefings for your personnel. These briefings should include, but not be limited to, highway safety, seat belt usage, fatigue avoidance, and the consequences of drinking and driving. Traffic accidents account for numerous injuries and deaths during the holiday period, so be alert, cautious, and stay in control. Designated drivers should be assigned when parties involve the consumption of alcoholic beverages. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!

Once again, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on what makes you thankful and to celebrate with your fellow Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, Civilian work force, and great families and loved ones. Don't forget our men and women who cannot be with their loved ones as they continue to fight on Freedom's Frontier!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Karl R. Horst

Maj. Gen., Commanding