MNTF-E Chaplain Deployed to Kosovo

By Chap. (1st Lt.) Anthony WilliamsNovember 18, 2009

Chaplain Trains for Kosovo
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Multi-National Task Force - East

While checking my e-mail on August 5, I received an e-mail from the Illinois Army National Guard state chaplain stating that the North Dakota Army National Guard was looking for an additional chaplain for their upcoming mission to Kosovo. After discussing this with my family, I responded to my state chaplain with my answer - I would love to go with North Dakota on this mission. Believe me when I tell you, from where I was on August 5, getting to Camp Atterbury by September 3, did not seem possible. Through a lot of communication, e-mails and the diligent effort of many people, I was able to be at Camp Atterbury on the third of September, giving praise to our gracious Lord.

For the families of the Soldiers that make up this task force, I want to take a few moments and tell you who I am. My name is Anthony Williams and I am from Mount Vernon, Ill. I am serving as the deputy chaplain for this task force and I love what I do for our Soldiers. I have been in the military for 16 years, holding various jobs in my career. I have been married for 17 years to my wonderful wife, Terrie, and have two sons, Tyler, 11, and Terron, 8.

Recently, I was reading from the book of Jeremiah, Chapter 1, Verse 17; God tells Jeremiah to, "get yourself ready!" Military families can relate to this statement because we live in a constant state of having to be ready to say "goodbye" to each other, often at a moment's notice. We seldom have the fortunate opportunity to plan before our Soldiers leave on deployments.

Our Soldiers have been training for quite some time, preparing for this mission both at home and away. On behalf of the Soldiers, I want to tell you that they are doing an outstanding job. I hope that while they have readied themselves for this mission, you and your families have been doing the same. You are the foundation for your Soldier and your support helps them to serve their country in the capacity that they do. To get ready for any deployment is a difficult process and there have been many families who have seen more than one deployment. Experience among many of those families has helped develop the tools that can be useful to help you and other military families. Relationships that families build with one another are one of the keys to a successful deployment.

If you find yourself in a position that you would like to talk to someone, you can contact a chaplain, a Family Support Group or the Military Service Center in your area. If you are unable to reach anyone, or would just like to contact me, please e-mail me at

In closing, God tells Jeremiah in Verse 19 of Chapter 1 that people and things will come against him, but they will not overcome him. The Lord told Jeremiah, "I am with you and will rescue you." That promise still holds true today.

Cutlines for Photos

WilliamsMug.jpg: Chap. (1st Lt.) Anthony Williams

Williams/Millican.jpg: Chap. (1st Lt.) Anthony Williams visits with Chap. (Maj.) Maury Millican during an religious leader meeting that was part of the Mission Rehearsal Exercise at Hohenfels, Germany.