National Disability Employment Awareness Month educates Civilians

By Pvt. Jamal WalkerNovember 11, 2009

RED CLOUD GARRISON - Col. Larry 'Pepper' Jackson, USAG-RC commander, wants to ensure every Soldier and Department of Defense Civilian is aware of ongoing initiatives to support individuals with disabilities.

Last month's observance of National Disability Employment Awareness helped educate employees and managers on issues related to hiring, accommodating, developing and retaining disabled employees.

"This year, the garrison participated in the DoD Workforce Recruitment Program for college students with disabilities. The WRP is a resource for employers to recruit qualified applicants for temporary employment, which may lead to a permanent position in the federal government," said Rose Aguigui, Equal Employment Opportunity manager.

Officials from DoD and the Department of Labor co-sponsored this program that provides fully-funded summer hires to DoD and other federal agencies.

"With the outstanding support and marketing savvy of Margaret Banish-Donaldson, Program for Individuals with Disabilities manager under EEO, Area I is credited for recruiting two out of five WRP candidates throughout the peninsula," said Rafael Reyes, Eighth Army EEO specialist.

"Based on their resumes, HR and BA disciplines, and college transcripts, we considered the students' placement at 176th Finance Co and EUSA G1 IMO with the approval from the 176th Finance Company commander and G1 director to provide job experience."

Jonathan Allen, one Area I WRP student said, "The WRP program is a great idea, due to the fact it can bring students from around the United States to learn a worthwhile trade. You get to practice in a field you are planning to work in, in the future. WRP is fantastic for students with disabilities because it can show you which students are capable in the work world. I find this program can help many students in the work force and train them for the work world. Being able to visit another country, be paid for it, and learn new job skills is a great plan."

By highlighting these programs and finding ways to improve them, officials hope to accelerate efforts toward finding solutions that will open doors to employment for more disabled individuals.

For more information on programs for disabled individuals and the many resources available to them, contact the Program for Individuals with Disabilities manager, affirmative employment program manager, or your equal employment opportunity office.