TEAD to take back DCD igloos, magazines

By Kathy AndersonNovember 9, 2009

TEAD to take back DCD igloos, magazines
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Deseret Chemical Depot will transfer 242 igloos and magazines back to Tooele Army Depot upon completion of the chemical demilitarization mission and closure of the chemical processing and storage facilities presently scheduled for fiscal 2014. The decision was finalized Aug. 18, 2009, and was based on a recommendation presented during the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure.

In coordination with DCD and the Defense Ammunition Center, TEAD prepared the intense study that identifies these storage igloos and magazines. The study also identified associated land and infrastructure required to provide explosive safety separation distances and buffer areas along with security fencing, roads, rail lines and utilities to support TEAD's conventional ammunition storage mission.

The Army Materiel Command has determined that the remaining property, approximately 6,300 acres, will be declared excess upon completion of the DCD chemical munitions demilitarization mission. Following any required environmental cleanup of the property, the property can be transferred for reuse to interested parties, or to the Bureau of Land Management, depending upon how the land was originally acquired by the Army.

Tom Turner, director of the Risk Management Directorate, said the transfer of the property will mean that TEAD gains an additional 840,000 square feet of covered explosive storage space, an increase of about 42 percent from the current covered storage capacity. Additionally, TEAD will gain an ammunition maintenance facility and a considerable amount of open space that can be used for outdoor storage, future construction or land development projects.

"The transfer will improve TEAD's storage posture and our effectiveness in supporting the Warfighters," said Keith Siniscalchi, Director of Ammunition Operations. "Since November 2007, TEAD has been utilizing vacated DCD igloos and magazines for conventional ammunition storage. Approximately 3,493 tons of conventional munitions have been transferred to DCD to date."