Writing Contest open for individuals with disabilities and disabled Veterans

By Margaret Banish-DonaldsonOctober 4, 2009

REd cloud GARRISON - The Equal Employment Opportunity Program for Individuals with Disabilities Committee is sponsoring a writing contest for persons with disabilities. If you have a poem or a story you would like to have published in the Morning Calm Weekly newspaper, or if you know someone who does, please feel free to submit it to the Equal Employment Opportunity Program for Individuals with Disabilities committee for publication. Your poem or story will be featured in the newspaper during National Disability Employment Awareness month in October.

Aca,!Ac Poems or stories should focus on challenges or adversities experienced in regard to disability, or how the Federal Disabilities Act has helped you, or some aspect of your disability. Personal and professional objective insight can help disabled citizens. The sole purpose of the contest is to allow a disabled citizen to share experiences about their disability through the publication of their poem or story.

Criteria for publication:

Aca,!Ac Submissions must be original; no references to or inclusions of works by other authors, living or dead.

Aca,!Ac Author's name will be displayed unless author requests to be anonymous.

Aca,!Ac Authors must agree when submitting works he or she will not be paid.

Aca,!Ac No "pen-name" authors will be allowed.

Aca,!Ac Subject must be about some aspect of author's disability.

Aca,!Ac Content must not have reference to sexuality or vulgarity.

Aca,!Ac Poem or story should be between 500-2,000 words. This is a general guideline; however, reasonable variants in length will be accepted.

Aca,!Ac All poems or stories must be sent by e-mail.

Aca,!Ac All poems and stories will be edited.

Aca,!Ac You may submit two poems or two stories or a poem and a story. No more than two works will be accepted from the same author.

Aca,!Ac Works must be submitted on or before Oct. 16.

How to submit your story or poem:

Aca,!Ac Place your poem or story in the body of an e-mail with the word Poem or Story in the subject line. Be sure to include information you want to be used, i.e., your name, e-mail address, etc., and send it to BanishM@korea.army.mil.