FORT CAVAZOS, Texas — The Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce, or AECW, program hosted a recruiting event Jan. 8 at the Copeland Soldier Service Center at Fort Cavazos.
Expeditionary civilians, or ECs, are Department of the Army civilians that volunteer to deploy, typically to an overseas combatant command theater of operations, to fill
mission-critical roles.
“This event here is great to see,” said Christian Carr, talent acquisition program manager of AECW. “I mean, 46 DA civilians came out and are interested in joining the program.”
Rick Tillotson, program manager, AECW, explained he and Carr were there to help find volunteers to fill crucial roles overseas.
“That’s what we’re trying to do,” explained Tillotson. “Connect the people that want to volunteer to meet the needs of these deployed (units) … or Germany-assigned units or Pacific-side units. That’s what the program is all about.”
The over 60 attendees learned about the opportunities available to them and asked questions about dining and housing arrangements, the approval process, pay, leave and more during the event.
Nearly 200 deployment opportunities are currently available across a wide range of specialities in areas including Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan
and Honduras.
All of those who deploy must go through pre-deployment training and preparation, both at their home station and at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. This preparation process includes medical and dental screenings, online and classroom training and other preparatory activities.
Those who wish to volunteer must meet the following criteria:
• Be a permanent or term Army civilian. If term, their appointment must extend beyond the end date of the deployment.
• Secure the approval of their supervisory chain; disapprovals are rare, as AECW is considered an Army priority mission.
• Be at least the vacancy’s target grade, which are suggested, or one grade lower or higher.
• If on an overseas assignment, the applicant must have at least 18 months remaining prior to their date of return from overseas or date eligible for return from overseas.
• If in the Army Reserve, the applicant must be in a retired or standby status. They cannot be in the Ready Reserve, as this would be a dual obligation for deployment.
• Applicants must be able to obtain a security clearance at the interim secret level, at a minimum. Some positions may require higher clearances.

Deployments last typically six, nine or 11 months and are under field conditions. Those who deploy should expect to be billeted in tents, barracks or containerized rooms, with shared showers and restrooms. Meals are provided in the dining facilities. All deployments are also unaccompanied.
An EC’s positions of record will remain unaffected, and they will continue to receive basic pay and benefits through their home organizations. The AECW Directorate, however, covers certain additional costs including travel, approved overtime and post differential or hazardous pay, when authorized.
Army civilians interested in applying for the AECW Program must submit a resume, recent SF-50, DD Form 214 (if former military) and a signed request for deployment form found at dcpas.osd.mil/sites/default/files/2.%20Request%20for%20Deployment%20%28RFD%29%2020%20Sept%202018.pdf.
Carr expressed his gratitude to Fort Cavazos leadership and Fort Cavazos Transition Assistance Program leadership for their support of the AECW Program.
“It’s a very important mission because you are supporting the Army’s combatant commands to augment any military shortages with DA civilians who are willing to deploy for the purpose of service,” said Carr. “In my opinion, this is a program that requires selfless service because you don’t know what kind of conditions you’re going into when you deploy.”
For more information, email Carr at christian.j.carr.civ@army.mil.
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