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Greater Fort Knox community participates in annual post Wreath Laying Ceremony

By Savannah BairdDecember 16, 2024

More than 150 attendees place wreaths on the headstones of service members interred at the installation’s Main Post Cemetery at the Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony on Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed during the event.
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – More than 150 attendees place wreaths on the headstones of service members interred at the installation’s Main Post Cemetery at the Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony on Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed during the event. (Photo Credit: Savannah Baird; Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL
More than 150 attendees place wreaths on the headstones of service members interred at the installation’s Main Post Cemetery at the Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony on Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed during the event.
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – More than 150 attendees place wreaths on the headstones of service members interred at the installation’s Main Post Cemetery at the Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony on Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed during the event. (Photo Credit: Savannah Baird; Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL
Scott Gordan from Bugles Across America plays Taps during the annual Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed at the headstones of service members as part of the ceremony.
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Scott Gordan from Bugles Across America plays Taps during the annual Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed at the headstones of service members as part of the ceremony. (Photo Credit: Savannah Baird; Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL
More than 150 attendees place wreaths on the headstones of service members interred at the installation’s Main Post Cemetery at the Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony on Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed during the event.
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – More than 150 attendees place wreaths on the headstones of service members interred at the installation’s Main Post Cemetery at the Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony on Dec. 14, 2024. Eight-hundred-and-fifty wreaths were placed during the event. (Photo Credit: Savannah Baird; Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. — About 850 wreaths were set on the headstones of service members buried within the walls of the installation’s Main Post Cemetery during the annual Fort Knox Wreath Laying Ceremony, Dec. 14.

During the ceremony Jody Ingalls shared a rendition of the National Anthem and Fort Knox’s Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack 155, joined by the crowd, recited the Pledge of Allegiance.  The event concluded with the playing of Taps by Scott Gordan from Bugles Across America.

Those with family interred within the cemetery were given the opportunity to lay their wreaths first, the rest of those in attendance joined in placing the wreaths in a matter of minutes. The wreaths were provided courtesy of Wreaths Across America.

For more photos from the event, follow the link to the official Fort Knox Flickr page,

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