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Holiday Block Leave brings schedule changes

By Jefferson WolfeDecember 12, 2024

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT GREGG-ADAMS, Va. — This year during Holiday Block leave from Dec. 17-Jan. 5, various activities will adjust their hours and close for the holidays.

Holiday Block Leave marks the time when the Army’s newest Soldiers depart training in mid-December for the holiday season from Fort Gregg-Adams and 20 other installations around the United States.

HBL provides families with the opportunity to reconnect with their Soldiers and to learn about their Soldiers’ experiences. Also, Soldiers can share their experiences with those outside of the Army in their hometowns, providing a better understanding of what the Army is and how the Army is training its newest Soldiers.

While a lot of the attention during this period is on the trainees and students, it is just as important to give the drill sergeants and cadre a break from an almost non-stop training cycle.

Soldiers have the option of traveling home to reconnect with their families and friends or they can remain on post where they will be supported throughout the holidays by their unit and the installation.

The garrison and U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command have identified morale, welfare and recreation activities to ensure the well-being of Soldiers who decide to stay at their training locations during Holiday Block Leave.

With the holidays and the reduced population on the installation, some activities on Fort Gregg-Adams have adjusted their hours of operation.

Any activities not listed, please contact the staff directly. A phone roster is available here.

The gate times will be adjusted for Holiday Block Leave and Winter/Christmas Break for Prince George Schools.

Adams Avenue ACP will be closed from Dec. 23 - Jan. 5, reopening on Monday, Jan. 6. Temple gate will be closed from Dec. 20 to Jan. 5 and will also reopen Jan. 6.

Please find the adjusted ACP hours below and online here:

  • Sisisky ACP: Open 24/7
  • Gregg ACP: Open weekdays from 0500-1900, closed on weekends and holidays
  • Visitor Control Center: Open daily from 0800-1600
  • Shop ACP: Open weekdays from 0600-1300, closed on weekends and holidays
  • Sustainment ACP: Open weekdays from 0500-1900, weekends and holidays from 1000-1900
  • Adams ACP: Closed from 23 December 2024 thru 5 January 2025
  • Temple ACP: Closed from 20 December 2024 thru 5 January 2025

Holiday schedule changes include:


If not listed, normal hours apply.

Army Community Service

Closed: 25 DEC and 1 JAN

ACS Emergency Numbers:

Red Cross: (877) 272-7337

Military One Source: (800)


Kenner Nurse Advice: (877)

874-2273, option 1

ASU Fitness Center

Closed 20 DEC-3 JAN

Auto Crafts

Closed: 24-25 DEC, 30 DEC-1 JAN

Cardinal Golf Club

Closed: 25 DEC, 1 JAN

No lunch: 21 DEC-3JAN

Child and Youth Administration

Closed: 25 DEC, 1 JAN

Child and Youth Services

Closed: 25 DEC, 1 JAN, adjusted hours

Clark Fitness Center

Closed: 25 DEC, 1 JAN

Adjusted hours

Community Library

Closed: 22 DEC-1 JAN Frame Shop

Closed 23 DEC-1 JAN

The Gregg-Adams Club

Closed: 14 DEC-3 JAN

The HideAway

Closed: 16 DEC- 2 JAN

Leisure Travel Services

Closed: 24-25, 31 DEC-1 JAN

MacLaughlin Fitness Center

Closed: 25 DEC, 1 JAN

Adjusted hours

Ordnance Fitness Center

Closed 20 DEC-3 JAN

Outdoor Recreation

Closed: 24-25 DEC, 1 JAN

Adjusted hours

Strength Performance Center

Closed: 25 DEC,1 JAN

Adjusted hours

Sustainer's Pub

Closed: 14 DEC-2 JAN

TenStrike Bowling Center

Closed: 24-25 DEC, 31


Please check the FMWR website for more details on specific activities.


Gregg-Adams Family Housing Offices

All Offices Closed: 25 DEC and 1 JAN.

Call (804) 566-3300 or (855) 627-3931 after duty hours.

Garrison Housing Office in the Soldier Support Center

Closed: 25 DEC; 1 JAN


24 DEC: 0800-1600

25 DEC: Closed

31 DEC: 0830-1800

1 JAN: Closed

All other days have normal hours of operation.


16 DEC-3 JAN (Holiday Block Leave period)

LOGU Express


Ordnance Troop Store


Military Clothing Store

Hours: 1000-1700


Hours: 1000-1700

All others regular hours

24 DEC

Main PX

Hours: 0800-1900

25 DEC

All facilities closed

31 DEC

Main Store

Hours: 0800-1800

Express Class 6

Hours: 1100-1900

PXTRA Troop Store

Hours: 1000-17000

Military Clothing Store

Hours: 1000-1700


Express Class 6

Hours: 1000-1800

All other facilities closed



Closed: 19 DEC, 1200 – 1700

Closed: 20 DEC, 1130 – 1300

Closed: 25 DEC

Closed: 1 JAN.

Troop Medical Clinic 1

Closed: 19 DEC, 1200 – 1700

Closed: 20 DEC, 1130 – 1300

Closed: 25 DEC Closed: 1 JAN

Troop Medical Clinic 2:

Closed: 17 DEC – 1 JAN; reopens JAN. 2.

To schedule appointments, call the Kenner Appointment Line at 1-866-533-5242, option 1. For after-hours care, visit for web chat and video chat, or dial 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273), option 1.

For medical emergencies, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.



22 DEC - Memorial Chapel - 0900

29 DEC - Memorial Chapel - 0900

Christmas Eve Mass Christmas Kids Pageant, Carols, and Mass

24 DEC - Memorial Chapel - 1600

New Years Day Mass

1 JAN - Memorial Chapel - 1000


Normal schedule: Sundays at 8 a.m.


Salat al-Jumu’ah Continues normal schedule (Fridays, Liberty Chapel 1215)


Heritage Chapel, Chanukah, 13 DEC 1800

No services during HBL

Native American

No services during HBL


Memorial Chapel - 22, 29 DEC - 1100

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 24 DEC 1900

Gospel Service

Liberty Chapel - 22, 29 DEC - 1100

New Year's Eve Service - 31 DEC 2230


No services during HBL



Half-day 24 DEC

Closed: 25-27 DEC

Education Center

Closed: 25, 27 DEC, JAN 1

Transition Assistance Program

Closed: Noon on 24 DEC, 31 DEC; also closed 25 DEC and 1 JAN

All Museums

Closed 21 DEC – 4 JAN