FORT BUCHANAN, PUERTO RICO—Staff Sgt. Nelson Ramos, a member of the Puerto Rico National Guard, received his certificate of retirement on Nov. 22 at the Fort Buchanan Directorate of Human Resources. Ramos, a Toa Alta, Puerto Rico native, retired in 2004 after 28 years of service in the Puerto Rico National Guard; however, since he never submitted his retirement packet, he was not collecting his military pension.
“I don't know why people do not submit their retirement package. Next year, we will begin to prepare Reserve and National Guard soldiers who have between 18 and 19 years of military service so they know that when they reach 59, they will need to submit their paperwork. They need to understand that the retirement payment does not occur automatically,” said Miguel Aponte, the installation retirement service officer.
Ramos’ situation was discovered when the Soldier visited Fort Buchanan’s Welcome Center to renew his identification card. After checking his record, personnel from the Directorate of Human Resources quickly referred Ramos to the Retirement Service Office, where Aponte researched the Soldier’s case and discovered he had never submitted his retirement packet.
For Ramos, it was a long-time coming moment.
"Aponte took the time to explain to me about everything, the retirement, the process, and all the things that I was losing. After all the years that I served, at least someone remembered me. I will now share my experience with people who probably have the same issues. Thank you, and God bless all of you,” said an emotional Ramos.
In addition to the certificate of retirement, Ramos received a certificate of appreciation from the President of the United States, a letter from the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, the Command Sergeant Major and Secretary of the Army, and the U.S. Flag in recognition of his dedicated service to the nation.
"I'm so glad you had to come by for your identification card. At Fort Buchanan, we care for Soldiers, veterans, and families,” said Robert Perkins, director of the Directorate of Human Resources, while speaking with Ramos.
According to regulations, a Soldier in the National Guard must have completed 20 years of qualifying service to be eligible for retired pay at age 60, among other requirements.
For more information about military retirement services, please contact Fort Buchanan’s Retirement Service Office at 787-707-2061, or by email at miguel.a.apontecepeda.civ@army.mil
Fort Buchanan serves a diverse military community of approximately 15,000 active duty, Reserve and National Guard military, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Operational Support Center. The military installation also offers critical services to the Department of Defense civilian population, veterans, retirees, and their families, as well as more than 30 federal agencies in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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