FORT KNOX, Ky. — Individuals from the greater Fort Knox community and surrounding areas competed in the first ever U.S. Army Cadet Command Lift the Vault powerlifting competition, Nov. 4-6.
Eighteen individuals competed for top spots in the squat, bench-press and deadlift, they given three attempts for each event. Each lifter who broke a cumulative 1,000 lbs. was entered into the Fort Knox Directorate of Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation Thousand Pound Club.
Editor's Note: For photos from the event, follow the link to the official Fort Knox Flickr page, flickr.com/photos/fortknoxky/albums/72177720321784158
Individuals from the greater Fort Knox community and surrounding areas competed in the first Lift the Vault Competition at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Nov. 7, 2024. Eighteen individuals competed for top spots in the squat, bench-press and deadlift. Each lifter who broke a cumulative 1,000 lbs. was entered into the Fort Knox Directorate of Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation Thousand Pound Club.
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