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Veteran Reunites with Fort Buchanan paramedic who saved his life

By David HernandezNovember 7, 2024

Veteran Reunites with Fort Buchanan paramedic who saved his life
Carlos R. Bellavista, a paramedic from the installation's Fire and Emergency Services under the Directorate of Emergency Services, recently saved the life of a veteran who suffered a cardiac emergency while playing golf at Fort Buchanan.

José Luis Alexandrino, a 72-year-old golfer and veteran, was playing golf when suddenly felt a lack of energy and chest pains. (Photo Credit: Courtesy)

FORT BUCHANAN, PUERTO RICO—Carlos R. Bellavista, a paramedic from the installation's Fire and Emergency Services under the Directorate of Emergency Services, recently saved the life of a veteran who suffered a cardiac emergency while playing golf at Fort Buchanan.

José Luis Alexandrino, a 72-year-old golfer and veteran, was playing golf when suddenly felt a lack of energy and chest pains.

"As soon as we received the emergency call, we quickly mobilized to the golf course to respond to the alert. We assessed the patient and determined he needed to be transferred to a hospital quickly, and that is why we transferred the patient to the San Juan Veterans Affairs Hospital, where the patient was stabilized," said Bellavista.

After the recuperation period, Alexandrino returned to the installation to personally thank Bellavista and other team members.

"My experience with the Fire and Emergency Services at Fort Buchanan was excellent, especially because of their speed and quality of service. In fact, since the emergency, I have called five different ambulances for my health issue. However, I did not get the same treatment as the Fort Buchanan ambulance that transported me to the San Juan VA Hospital," said Alexandrino.

"As soon I recover, I will return to play or practice golf. For me, golf is an activity that allows me to relax, meet new people, and release my stress," added Alexandrino.

For Bellavista, helping others is his life mission.

"The greatest satisfaction of working in an emergency is knowing that the person was able to get a second chance of life and return with their loved ones," expressed the paramedic, who has been working at Fort Buchanan for 24 years.

In case of emergencies while on post, citizens must dial 787-707-0511.

With an annual investment in the local economy of over $500 million, Fort Buchanan serves a diverse military community of approximately 15,000 active-duty Reserve, National Guard, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Reserve personnel. Fort Buchanan's mission is to serve as a readiness enhancement platform and facilitate the deployment of military personnel to any place at any time.