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Combined Federal Campaign 2024 update

By Savannah BairdOctober 28, 2024

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. — Twenty-eight days into the 2024 Indiana, Kentucky, & Southwestern Ohio (IKSO) Combined Federal Campaign and officials say Fort Knox is on track to reach its $40,000 goal.

According to Staff Sgt. Adam Smith, Fort Knox ready and resilient program manager, the IKSO CFC has raised a total of $174,000 so far – a 26% increase from last year during this timeframe.  About $9,000 of those donations came from Fort Knox.

“The donation possibilities are endless,” said Smith. “I encourage everyone to try and donate something and make a better future for tomorrow.”

Editor’s Note: For more information on how to donate, visit Combined Federal Campaign FY25 runs through Jan. 13 | Article | The United States Army

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