FORT BUCHANAN, PUERTO RICO- Soldiers from the 398th Finance Company conducted premobilization training at the installation's Training Support Center Oct. 8, using the Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) 2000 to sustain their marksmanship skills in the M4 and M9 weapons systems.
The EST 2000 is a visual weapons simulator computer system designed to enable service members to carry out cost-effective marksmanship training and other weapon exercises in numerous environments without ammunition.
"This is important for soldiers because the constant training helps you with the muscle memory to keep that knowledge whenever you are in the weapons range. So right now, here at the EST, is the time to identify mistakes, make the corrections, and learn how your weapon operates," said Sgt. Alondra Miranda, Financial Management Non-commissioned officer.
According to Miranda, having access to the EST 2000 at the installation level is a great advantage.
"I believe that Fort Buchanan providing this type of training for soldiers is amazing because it helps us go through the motions without having to go to the range, but it also helps us learn and get that muscle memory in before we even get there," added Miranda.
According to the Army's Force Management System, the mission of the 398th Finance Company is to provide Commercial Vendor Services in support of Operational Contracting Support, disbursing operations, and support to e-commerce operations while maintaining an auditable environment through proper internal controls, timely reporting, and reconciliation of financial transactions.
1st Lt. Ricardo Ortiz, the 398th Finance Company Executive Officer, understands the unit's mission very well; however, he also understands that every soldier must practice combat-focused marksmanship skills.
"Soldiers' readiness is important, especially nowadays, because we must be deployable at any time. We are soldiers first, and we need to stay proficient in our required soldier skills," said Ortiz.
The junior officer described Fort Buchanan's relevance to maintaining soldiers' readiness.
"I believe that Fort Buchanan's training center truly helps soldiers by maintaining a virtual weapons qualification course, which provides soldiers with familiarization before going into the actual individual weapons qualification event, which is one of those individual soldier skills that could perish if you do not practice it enough. With the EST 2000 and this training center, Fort Buchanan is always providing our troops the opportunity to improve," added Ortiz.
It is important to note that the EST 2000 is only one of the pieces of equipment available at the Fort Buchanan Training Support Center for service members in the region. The center, which is a subordinate division to the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security, provides a variety of training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations, as well as relevant and responsive training support, enabling commanders to accomplish training objectives and standards and successfully operate across an ever-evolving full spectrum of conflict.
Units interested in knowing more about the installation’s readiness-enabling capabilities can call (787)-707-3412.
With an annual investment in the local economy of over $500 million, Fort Buchanan serves a diverse military community of approximately 15,000 active-duty Reserve, National Guard, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Reserve personnel. Fort Buchanan's mission is to serve as a readiness enhancement platform and facilitate the deployment of military personnel to any place at any time.
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