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USASAC's Dellamonica Award winner

By Terri StoverOctober 7, 2024

USASAC's Dellamonica Award winner
USASAC's Dellamonica Award winner (Photo Credit: Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Rena Cameron-Ray was named the Security Assistant Command’s 2023 Louis Dellamonica Award recipient. As the Deputy Director of Resource Management at USASAC’s Security Assistance Training Management Organization (SATMO) she has significantly contributed to the command, and to Army Materiel Command’s overall mission.

“Ms. Cameron-Ray selflessly lives the Army values,” said Col. Greg Holmes, Commander of SATMO at Fort Liberty. “This is evidenced by her significant contributions to the SATMO headquarters and its security assistance mission.”

Cameron-Ray’s division is responsible for the planning, coordination, and synchronization of the foreign military sales security assistance training budget for SATMO. In 2023 the organization deployed 30 security assistance teams in 19 countries with an estimated value of over $885 million dollars.

Due to her leadership abilities, she has successfully facilitated transitions between military directors. Equally her technical expertise, experience, and communication skills has provided sound guidance and advice to military and civilian leaders.

“Ms. Cameron-Ray is undoubtably the “floor-general” for the SATMO Resource Management section expertly leading and managing a diverse nine person team,” said Holms. She consistently provides constructive, relevant, and effective guidance to subordinates regarding the organization’s resource management priorities and objectives.

Many have noted her dedication to the unit’s mission joined with her vast technical knowledge, has made her the organization’s subject matter expert on all resource management functions within the complex security assistance enterprise.

She maintains situational awareness of resource management issues affecting USASAC. Her efforts have led to reductions in nonliquidated obligations by 12%, which returned over $9 million of funding to the corresponding FMS cases. This helped to maximize ally and partner purchasing power and transactions by 21%, facilitating the clearing of nearly $200,000 in processing errors.

However, despite quite an intense work mission, she finds time to volunteer in her organization and on post. She has helped plan and execute SATMO family and social events, including the Village Elders social venue, a trunk or treat at Halloween, and other gatherings throughout the year. She steadfastly supports the Soldier and Family Readiness Group on post, which assists families with connection and communication during the time their family members are forward deployed.

The Louis Dellamonica Award was established to recognize outstanding work accomplishments that have significantly contributed to the AMC mission and overarching goals and objectives. Each year, AMC selects employees, both military and civilian, below the rank of general officer and Senior Executive Service level, who meet the established criteria.