EFMP wants to talk about Alzheimer’s in September

By Donna Outen, Exceptional Family Member ProgramSeptember 19, 2024

World Alzheimer’s Month is observed in September and is an important time for raising awareness and understanding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, especially as countless Families navigate its challenges. World Alzheimer’s Day is Sept. 21.

By designating September for this initiative, organizations and communities around the globe come together to share information, provide support, and advocate for those affected by these conditions.

It is vital to recognize the emotional toll it takes on both those diagnosed and their loved ones. Watching a loved one who was once active and vibrant lose their memories is difficult and will impact both the loved one and the caregiver.

I know from personal experience as I watched my mother go through the stages of Alzheimer’s. I witnessed my mother become a shell of herself and be robbed of her ability to communicate and provide self-care. She eventually passed during the end stages of Alzheimer’s.

A wonderful support resource that can help Families better understand Alzheimer’s is the Alzheimer’s Association South Carolina Chapter. The association assisted my Family with learning and understanding more about this disease, what to expect, and how to move forward with care.

Army Community Service Exceptional Family Member Program is hosting a virtual webinar on “Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia” from 10-11 a.m. Sept. 23 via MS Teams.

Key aspects covered in the webinar include:

- The impact of Alzheimer’s: Understanding how this disease affects individuals, their families, and communities.

- Differences between Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Clarifying these terms can help in recognizing symptoms and understanding the diagnosis.

- Stages and risk factors: Learning about the progression of Alzheimer’s and identifying risk factors is crucial for early intervention.

- Current research and treatments: Staying informed about the latest advancements in care and treatment options can offer hope and insights into effective management.

- Alzheimer’s Association resources: Knowing where to find support and resources is invaluable in navigating this journey.

For additional information and to register, call (803) 751-5256.