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WEXMAC Improves Army Contracting

By Sergeant First Class KeAndre Malone, 928th Contracting BattalionSeptember 16, 2024

Left to Right- England, Christie L CIV USARMY ACC (USA), Spainhour, Mark A CIV USARMY ARNORTH (USA, Kunish, Thomas R (WEXMAC) CIV USN NAVSUP HQ MECH (USA), Siler, Marquez Maurice (Kezz) SSG USARMY 409 CONTR SPT BDE (USA), Malone, Keandre D SFC...
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Left to Right- England, Christie L CIV USARMY ACC (USA), Spainhour, Mark A CIV USARMY ARNORTH (USA, Kunish, Thomas R (WEXMAC) CIV USN NAVSUP HQ MECH (USA), Siler, Marquez Maurice (Kezz) SSG USARMY 409 CONTR SPT BDE (USA), Malone, Keandre D SFC USARMY 409 CONTR SPT BDE (USA) and Larson, Stephen R CIV USN NAVSUP FLCS ROTA (USA) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Siler, Marquez Maurice (Kezz) SSG USARMY 409 CONTR SPT BDE (USA), Sitting-Kunish, Thomas R (WEXMAC) CIV USN NAVSUP HQ MECH (USA)
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Siler, Marquez Maurice (Kezz) SSG USARMY 409 CONTR SPT BDE (USA), Sitting-Kunish, Thomas R (WEXMAC) CIV USN NAVSUP HQ MECH (USA) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Worldwide Expeditionary Multiple Award Contract (WEXMAC) is a strategic contracting vehicle designed to streamline and improve procurement processes for expeditionary contracting. This web-based, customer-integrated platform is an innovative approach that enables the quick and effective procurement of essential goods and services in challenging locations, ensuring smooth operations and rapid delivery. WEXMAC significantly increases military operational readiness and flexibility by reducing procurement time from months to weeks with a network of pre-approved vendors. Although managed by the Navy, the Army uses WEXMAC to help accomplish its contracting mission.

WEXMAC in Army Action

WEXMAC demonstrated effectiveness during the 2022 Russian-Ukraine invasion by showing its value in procurement processes. WEXMAC streamlined the procurement process and increased competition for the 409th Contracting Support Brigade (CSB) and 928th Contracting Battalion (CBN).  Accelerating the delivery of vital services in a more effective and efficient manner resulted in improved operational readiness. WEXMAC also aided the evacuation of U.S. personnel by swiftly obtaining critical transportation services.

The 928th Contracting Battalion (CBN) supported Brave Partner 24, Eagle Partner 24, Noble Partner 24, and Defender 24 exercises, and WEXMAC performed admirably. WEXMAC assisted the 928th CBN in efficiently managing the acquisition and prompt deployment of critical supplies and services throughout these exercises. Obtaining life support areas, transportation, food services, and material handling equipment was critical to keeping operational readiness and efficiency in a variety of difficult scenarios and locations.

Furthermore, WEXMAC aided the 928th CBN in facilitating coordination and support for both U.S. and Armenian forces during the Eagle Partner 24 exercise, improving their ability to collaborate successfully and combine operational capabilities. WEXMAC helped troops quickly obtain resources for Defender 24, aiding their preparation for challenging conditions. The results presented here demonstrate the 928th CBN's ability to use WEXMAC to improve mission readiness and operational effectiveness in both simulated exercises and actual field operations.

WEXMAC 2.0: Joint Effort

The Army and Navy are collaborating to construct WEXMAC 2.0, which will expand on the success of the first version of WEXMAC. The goal of this collaborative initiative is to improve the integration of their strategic objectives within the contract. The 928th Contracting Battalion is actively participating in the development of the second iteration of the contracting platform by providing lessons learned and recommendations for improvement.

The unit also had a significant impact on the WEXMAC 2.0 Joint Industry Conference by helping to revise the future Performance Work Statement (PWS), improve solicitation language, and establish evaluation criteria for potential contractors. Their assistance ensured that WEXMAC 2.0 complied with the Army's criteria and priorities.

Furthermore, the 928th CBN had an active role in the WEXMAC 2.0 Responsibility Evaluation Board (REB), which evaluated 100 proposals within about a week in August 2024. This collaboration enhanced contract performance and promoted a unified approach to expeditionary contracting, efficiently achieving Army and Navy strategic objectives.

One of the attendees at the WEXMAC 2.0 REB was Staff Sgt. Marquez Siler, a Support Operations NCO with the 409th CSB.  He said, “During the REB I discovered the several elements influencing a vendor's responsibility. Compared to using standalone contracts for every service, the WEXMAC platform, I found, simplifies contracting for services under a single task order in support of operations or exercises. This will likely streamline my role in Army contracting by lowering complexity and raising effectiveness.”

Future of WEXMAC and Army Contracting

WEXMAC has proven its transformative impact on Army contracting by facilitating faster and more effective procurement methods. Its success demonstrates the ability of innovative contractual approaches to improve operational performance and support complex military operations. The Army Contracting Command's emphasis on using such innovations is critical for equipping the Army with the capabilities it needs to combat future challenges. Through ongoing development and implementation of WEXMAC 2.0, a critical asset in the modernization and advancement of Army contracting, the Army will be well-prepared to address the contracting challenges of future military endeavors.