FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. — Fort Leonard Wood garrison leaders held the quarterly town hall for civilian employees Sept. 9 at Nutter Field House.
Hosting the event for the first time since taking command June 25 was Col. Steven Bartley, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood commander, who kicked off the event by thanking everyone for attending, adding he has been impressed so far with how the garrison employees perform their mission each day.
“The quality and care, and just delivery across the organization is very impressive,” Bartley said. “Thank you for all you do.”
Bartley then invited Command Sgt. Maj. Danny Castleberry to help him recognize some of the garrison’s exceptional employees.
Herbert Culver, with the Directorate of Emergency Services; Pat Daniels, with the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security; Todd Euglow, with DPTMS; David Harper, with DPTMS; Robert Hylton, with the Directorate of Public Works; and Roberta Wilson, with DPTMS; were recognized for 40 years of service.
Daniel Horton, with DES; and Todd Schwickerath, with U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood; were recognized for 35 years of service.
Lance Gross, with DES, was recognized for 25 years of service.
Several employees were also recognized for various acts of excellence.
Taylor Hoppe and Bridget Plummer, with the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, were presented two-star notes from Maj. Gen. Christopher Beck, Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood commanding general.
Mychell Finley, with the Directorate of Human Resources, was presented an Army Civilian Service Achievement Medal, for ensuring the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System facility was able to complete its mission.
Bryan Rush was recognized as the Army Materiel Command 2023 Third Quarter Top Employee of the Quarter. Rush received a three-star note from Lt. Gen. Christopher Mohan, acting AMC commanding general, and an Army Civilian Service Commendation Medal.
Sgt. Javonte Ellis, with the Religious Support Office, received a U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command command sergeants major coin.
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood also received an Army Superior Unit Award for work done to meet COVID-19 safety protocols.
Bartley — alongside Castleberry and Renea Lazzarini, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood deputy commander — then signed two pledges, as part of U.S. Army Installation Management Command’s service culture campaign.
The Leadership Pledge outlines the principles and requirements associated with connected and caring leadership; the Pledge to Those We Serve acknowledges the special contribution and sacrifice of Soldiers and their families to the nation and outlines the need for IMCOM employees to provide consistent and easily accessible services that demonstrate pride in serving with IMCOM, it was noted during the signing.
Opening the town hall to questions, the expanded hours pilot program at Specker Gym was mentioned. The gym, located in Bldg. 1714, is now open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays, opens at 5 a.m. Mondays, and remains open 24 hours a day through the week, closing at 6 p.m. Saturdays. Hours of operation on federal holidays are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. All patrons using the facility after 8 p.m. are required to register at the gym and must be a Defense Department Common Access Cardholder 16 years of age or older.
Attendance during the expanded hours, which continue through Nov. 29, has been good so far, Bartley said, and will be further reviewed for efficacy.
“Many of the programs, certainly within MWR, are a direct reflection of somebody asking for a resource or a service, or whatever that might be — this is definitely one of those — and MWR is doing what they can do within their provided resources to provide an option for 24-hour gym access,” Bartley said. “Certainly, it makes sense. The Army is a 24-hour mission and there are things going on 24 hours, around the clock, so the more services we can provide to that community, the better it is for them — and it makes our lives better because we know we’re delivering at the point of need.”
Another attendee highlighted Retiree Appreciation Days, which are set to take place Sept. 13 and 14, and will include a social hour and dinner that starts at 5 p.m. Sept. 13 in the Engineer Regimental Room at the John B. Mahaffey Museum Complex, and a health and benefits expo, from 1 to 3 p.m. Sept. 14 at Nutter Field House.
Call 573.596.6637 for more information on Fort Leonard Wood’s Retiree Appreciation Days.
Don Busbice, the Garrison Safety director, highlighted some fall and winter safety tips, advising the community to watch for increased animal activity on or near roads and to not burn leaves, which is prohibited on post.
“You can’t squeeze more into a weekend than the hours that are there,” Busbice said. “Take care of yourselves.”
Megan O’Donoghue, FMWR director, spoke on some of the upcoming events planned, including a hunting and fishing expo, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 14 at Outdoor Adventure Center and Oktoberfest, which is scheduled for Oct. 4 and 5 at Colyer Park.
“Your MWR is here to make sure that you work to live and not live to work,” O’Donoghue said. “We are providing thousands of smiles and a lot of memories coming up this fall season.”
Visit the Fort Leonard Wood FMWR website for more information on upcoming events.
The next garrison employee town hall is scheduled for Dec. 11.
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