CHIÈVRES, Belgium — “Be all you can be” is more than a slogan, it’s also an Army mindset that helps Soldiers succeed and achieve their goals. For military police Soldier Spc. Haven Smith, the embrace of this mindset has led to advancement through three consecutive Best Warrior/Best Squad competitions within the first six months of his arrival at U.S. Army Garrison Benelux.
Smith, who started his Army career with the North Dakota National Guard before transferring to active duty, was unaware of the annual Soldier competitions until he arrived in Belgium in January 2024. He heard about them from fellow MP Sgt. Patrick Chayeb, a previous winner of both USAG Benelux and Installation Management Command-Europe Best Warrior competitions. Smith was immediately inspired and decided to compete in the USAG Benelux Best Warrior Competition, despite the challenges of starting duty at a new garrison in a new country.
"We are extremely proud of Spc. Smith and everything he has accomplished since being part of Team Benelux. Spc. Smith volunteered to compete at the garrison Best Warrior Competition while he was only in country for about two weeks. He literally hit the ground running and hasn't stopped since,” said Capt. Deshell Cole, commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Company at USAG Benelux. “His charisma and go-getter mentality are contagious, and we are excited about everything he has done and all that he continues to accomplish."

After his initial win at the garrison level, Smith kept going with determination and a positive attitude to see what he could accomplish next, even though each higher level of competition became progressively more difficult.
“Your biggest enemy is your mind,” said Smith. “Sometimes you think … why did I sign up for this? But persevering and continuing to push yourself is one of the greatest feelings in the world.”
Competitions at the IMCOM-E and Army Materiel Command level contained both mental and physical challenges that include fitness and combat-related events ranging from the Army Combat Fitness Test to weapons skills, strenuous foot marches and detailed individual warrior tasks and squad battle drills.
Smith described the first day of his most recent competition for AMC Best Warrior/Best Squad.
“You have to keep pushing through … we had a 12-mile ruck, then we went into zero and qualifying with weapons, then disassembly assembly with weapons before doing land navigation and then another three-mile ruck march,” said Smith. “I didn't think my legs could go on.”

In addition to the increasing difficulty of each following competition came the responsibility of representing not only Team Benelux, but also the next higher level of command.
“I am extremely proud of Spc. Smith's exceptional performance and dedication, which led to him winning at the IMCOM-Europe and Army Materiel Command Army Best Warrior competitions,” said USAG Benelux Command Sgt. Maj. Malcom Coley. “Due to his unwavering commitment to excellence, physical fitness and tactical proficiency, Spc. Smith is being rewarded with the opportunity to compete at the Army Best Squad Competition and represent Team Benelux, IMCOM-Europe, Army Materiel Command and most importantly, himself.”
When asked about the impact the last six months have had on his life, Smith says it’s a journey that has changed his outlook on life and his perspective about serving as an Army Soldier

“Doing these competitions helped me see the greater good in that one day there's going to be other Soldiers that will compete in the same competitions and I can be there for them,” said Smith. “I like the Army and I love what it's giving me … it's giving me a lot of things to be thankful for.”
His experiences at the Best Warrior/Best Squad competitions have also given him a new sense of Army pride and camaraderie with fellow Soldiers, even those he is competing against.
“We might be fighting against each other right now for the number one spot, but we're all in this together,” said Smith. “We all wear the same uniform. We might not put it on the same way, but we all wear it so it's for one goal … the United States Army.”
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