The 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) recently participated in the Warfighter 24-5 exercise, a critical training event orchestrated by the Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) that took place from August 1st to August 10th. This exercise simulated large-scale combat operations in the INDOPACIFIC region, providing a rigorous test of readiness and capabilities for participating units.
“The intent to participate fully, in the Warfighter exercise, was to serve as a true certification mechanism for the brigade headquarters. The opportunity to be able to integrate in a corps Warfighter for a [SFAB] is unparalleled,” said Col. Brian Ducote, commander of 1st SFAB.
“This is how our Army will fight, so we trained accordingly,” he added.
The XVIII Airborne Corps, the primary training audience, benefited significantly from the involvement of the 1st SFAB, which provided a large response cell to replicate part of the Corps’ configuration during large scale combat operations.
Approximately 25 advisors from the brigade headquarters, representing every warfighting function, took part in the exercise.
The advisors set up tactical command posts to mirror the configurations they would use in real-world scenarios when supporting foreign security force partners during combat operations.
A primary objective for the 1st SFAB was to validate their brigade staff to advise a senior foreign partner force headquarters and manage subordinate advisor teams while simultaneously leveraging their tactical command post configuration and associated communications architecture. This dual focus ensured that the SFAB could provide effective mission command and support to their partners and the XVIII Airborne Corps in complex operational environments.
“An SFAB needs to be agile and adapt the way that it operates to support the priorities of both the U.S. ground forces and our partner forces, and in this Warfighter, we did that,” said Maj. Nick Allen, a 1st SFAB advisor who participated in the exercise.
Throughout the exercise, SFAB advisors showcased their ability to assess, support, liaise, and advise a foreign partner force, enhancing coalition military objectives. They played an integral role in the intelligence collection process, assisting with plans and coordinating asset allocations from higher echelons. By integrating the partner intelligence collection plan with overall operational strategies, the advisors ensured comprehensive situational awareness and effective intelligence utilization.
“The inherent design of the SFAB is that it has warfighting expertise across the board, and that’s hugely important in a large-scale combat operation. When you’re in conflict you want to leverage every capability against the enemy; you want to bring it all to bear,” said Ducote.
In addition to intelligence support, the 1st SFAB advisors were pivotal in the fires and targeting process. They worked to integrate the partner force's operational plans into the U.S. targeting process, nominating targets and requesting joint fires and aviation assets in support of both Corps and partner force objectives. This integration allowed for a seamless and cohesive approach to targeting, enhancing the operational effectiveness of both U.S. and partner forces.
The exercise also highlighted the SFAB’s role in the operations and planning process, where advisors acted as liaisons between the U.S. Corps headquarters and the foreign partner force headquarters. Their efforts ensured that communication and mutual understanding were maintained, which was crucial for unified action and successful mission outcomes.
A notable aspect of the SFAB's participation was their extensive coordination with a Digital Liaison Detachment. This unit provides critical liaison capabilities between Army Forces, joint headquarters, and multinational headquarters. The collaboration ensured effective communication, mutual understanding, and unity of purpose, significantly enhancing the advisor mission.
As part of its liaison function, Advisors with 1st SFAB assisted the Corps and coalition with an understanding of how to best integrate with a host nation or security force partner during combat.
“In this Warfighter, we had a novel opportunity to work with a simulated [role player] partner force and that created as sorts of situations where an understanding of agreements and an understanding of authorities was critical to mission success,” said Allen.
The impact of the 1st SFAB on the XVIII Airborne Corps’ success during Warfighter 24-5 was profound. The specialized knowledge and support provided by the SFAB advisors enhanced the Corps' ability to manage and execute large-scale combat operations effectively. Their integration into intelligence and targeting processes, coupled with their liaison efforts, ensured high levels of coordination and mutual support. This seamless collaboration contributed to improved operational readiness and combat effectiveness, underscoring the vital role of the 1st SFAB in supporting coalition forces and enhancing the capabilities of partner forces.
“Integrating our partners and leveraging the full capabilities of their systems as well as amplifying the effectiveness of the systems we have within the United States military is hugely important,” said Ducote.
Col. Ducote acknowledged the unique opportunity the SFAB’s participation in the exercise presented as the force continues to shape and understand the importance of integrating and building interoperability with partners during conflict.
“It’s an honor to participate in the exercise and not only that, it’s an opportunity to showcase the power of an SFAB in a large-scale combat operation to the broader force.”
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