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Runners Camp leaves kids inspired and refreshed

By Ericka GillespieAugust 9, 2024

Runners Camp leaves kids inspired and refreshed
Children gathered at the second annual Vacation Bible School Runner’s Camp put on by the Fort Gregg-Adams Religious Support Office at Williams Stadium on August 2, 2024. (Photo Credit: Ericka Gillespie) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT GREGG-ADAMS, Va. — High fives were passed between children on the finish line at the second annual Vacation Bible School Runner’s Camp at Williams Stadium.

The Religious Support Office put on their second annual VBS Runners Camp, which was open to children ages six to 12.

“This will be our second year bringing VBS out of a classroom setting and combining it with our Runner’s Camp,” said Lt. Col. Lyde C. Andrews, chaplain resource manager.

By bringing VBS outside and combining it with Runner’s Camp, the chaplains have been able to reach and include more children than their previous in the classroom setting, he said.

Runners Camp leaves kids inspired and refreshed
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Children gathered at the second annual Vacation Bible School Runner’s Camp put on by the Fort Gregg-Adams Religious Support Office at Williams Stadium on August 2, 2024. (Photo Credit: Ericka Gillespie) VIEW ORIGINAL
Runners Camp leaves kids inspired and refreshed
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Children gathered at the second annual Vacation Bible School Runner’s Camp put on by the Fort Gregg-Adams Religious Support Office at Williams Stadium on August 2, 2024. (Photo Credit: Ericka Gillespie) VIEW ORIGINAL

The camp had a total of 89 children participate this year.

“The camp takes place over one full week,” Andrews said. “Each morning starts with a Gospel centered devotion followed by track and field activities.”

On the final day of camp, children competed against others in their age group to showcase how much their running, jumping and throwing abilities improved.

Runners Camp leaves kids inspired and refreshed
Children gathered at the second annual Vacation Bible School Runner’s Camp put on by the Fort Gregg-Adams Religious Support Office at Williams Stadium on August 2, 2024. (Photo Credit: Ericka Gillespie) VIEW ORIGINAL

The competitive events consisted of 100-meter dash, the 200-meter dash, hurdles, shot put, high jump and long jump. Ribbons were awarded to the top six competitors in each age group.

Runners Camp leaves kids inspired and refreshed
Chaplain Maj. Brad Wysomierski stands with his daughter Brynley who placed 3rd in the 200-meter dash at the second annual Vacation Bible School Runner’s Camp put on by the Fort Gregg-Adams Religious Support Office at Williams Stadium on August 2, 2024. (Photo Credit: Ericka Gillespie) VIEW ORIGINAL

But running wasn’t the only thing the youth did at camp.

“The VBS Runner’s Camp is a great opportunity for kids to discuss their faith in a non-traditional classroom,” said Dawn Maldonado, VBS Runner’s Camp volunteer and parent.

Children deepened their knowledge of their faiths and had fun at the same time.

“The best part of camp is being able to witness the children understand the stories in the Bible and how God came to rescue us,” said Cpt. Jason Myers, 266thh Quartermaster Battalion chaplain.