JPEO Armaments & Ammunition Welcomes New Project Manager for Close Combat Systems

By ABRAAM DAWOUDAugust 9, 2024

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PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. — The Joint Program Executive Office Armaments and Ammunition hosted an Assumption of Charter ceremony on August 7, welcoming Col. Vinson Morris as the new Project Manager for Close Combat Systems (PM CCS) at the Linder Conference Center.

Over the past eight months, under the leadership of acting Project Manager Joseph Pelino, PM CCS achieved numerous accomplishments, including awarding 74 contracts obligating over $180 million, including more than $30 million in support of U.S. allies and international partners. During his tenure, PM CCS also delivered over 11 million rounds of ammunition to the Army and the joint force, significantly enhancing operational readiness across six individual programs of which more than 4 million were delivered to assist U.S. international partners. This increased readiness has improved the Army’s ability to meet training and war reserve requirements according to Maj. Gen. John T. Reim, the Joint Program Executive Officer for Armaments and Ammunition.

“Since becoming the acting project manager Joe and his team have provided 4.3 million rounds valued at $46.9 million in support of 12 Presidential Drawdown authorities to equip Ukrainian forces with critical CCS capabilities to include hand grenades, demolition, pyrotechnics, and shoulder-launched munitions,” said Reim.

“Joe’s strategic vision has ensured that we stand ready to support our allies and international partners in their times of need.”

In Pelino’s remarks, he thanked the CCS team for an exceptional 8-months as the acting project manager and highlighted some notable achievements during his tenure including achieving Milestone C on the XM919 Individual Assault Munition, the Army’s future shoulder-fired munition capable for defeating earth and timber bunkers, masonry structures, and light armored vehicles.

“We’ve continued to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom and other partner nations under threat,” said Pelino. “This is only the tip of the iceberg as to what Team CCS has accomplished and I want to thank you for all the support you afforded to me.”

Pelino was awarded the Army Civilian Service Commendation Medal for his performance continuing his organization’s strong focus on strategic initiatives as well as providing leadership development and training for over 130 PM CCS acquisition personnel.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Reim then welcomed Morris back to Picatinny Arsenal and emphasized the contributions of the CCS team. “For the past 60 years, this project office’s contributions have spanned across all services and numerous international partners supporting the full spectrum of conflict,” he said before offering Morris three pieces of advice.

“Trust your instincts, be a happy leader, and use your rank and position for good. Remember that Army senior leaders selected you to lead this organization for a reason.”

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In his speech as the new project manager Morris thanked his wife Heather and his two children for their support as he takes on a new role and thanked those in the audience.

“In the Army we have Battle buddies and though you Heather were not assigned as my battle buddy; I know without a doubt I would not be standing here today without you,” said Morris. “I am super excited to be here and look forward to working with the entire CCS team.”

Established in 1961, PM CCS is one of the Army’s longest-tenured project management offices, overseeing a diverse product portfolio of 384 distinct armaments and ammunitions. PM CCS provides dominant and innovative lethal and protective capabilities for the Joint Warfighter and supports the spectrum of conflict from lethal to intermediate force. These capabilities are used in multi-domain operations to enable efficient and effective Joint Warfighter success.

To learn more about PM CCS visit: Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments & Ammunition > Project Offices > PM CCS (