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Tech Science Review

By John ZierowJuly 25, 2024

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

DUGWAY PROVING GROUND, Utah - The Technology Management Branch at Dugway is leading the way with a Tech Science Review for staff. The monthly review educates Team Dugway about resources at the installation like the Fabrication Shop that enhance testing and training.

This month, Jody Nielson gave members of the workforce a tour of different work stations and capabilities at the Fab Shop. Visits like this give valuable insight to personnel on various topics that are relevant to the science, testing, and evaluation done at Dugway.

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From 3D printers to sanders, the fabrication shop uses it all to supply Dugway with the material needed to complete the mission. According to Nielson, "very few materials get thrown away. We use as much of the product as possible to get the most out of what we are given. The Fabrication shop works hard every day to support everyone here at Dugway.”

With this insight, personnel are better informed about resources available to them and they get to know people from other departments. The Tech Science Reviews happen in person and online via Team's meetings.