Chapel team builds a rock-solid foundation for Fort Novosel youth at VBS

By Brittany Trumbull, Fort Novosel Public AffairsJuly 24, 2024

Fort Novosel Chapel volunteers teach bible lessons to students during vacation bible school July 23, 2024.
Fort Novosel Chapel volunteers teach bible lessons to students during vacation bible school July 23, 2024. (Photo Credit: Brittany Trumbull) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT NOVOSEL, Ala.--Fort Novosel’s Religious Support Office hosted their annual Vacation Bible School at Wings Chapel from July 22-25. The theme for 2024 was “Breaker Rock Beach” focusing on Romans 12:2 which reminds students of “God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sand.”

121 children and more than 60 volunteers participated in the program filled with bible lessons, crafts, and activities for kids 4 years old through 6th grade. All lessons were multidenominational and encouraged students to recognize the difference between what the world says is true and what God says is true, according to Fort Novosel garrison chaplain (Maj.) Scott Kennis.

Decorations hang inside Wings Chapel reinforcing the theme for the week, “Breaker Rock Beach,” at vacation bible school July 23, 2024.
Decorations hang inside Wings Chapel reinforcing the theme for the week, “Breaker Rock Beach,” at vacation bible school July 23, 2024. (Photo Credit: Brittany Trumbul;) VIEW ORIGINAL

“VBS is a special time each summer for all of the kids on Fort Novosel to come out and have fun while learning more about God’s word,” said Kennis. “By the end the week, we want them to know how to build A life built on Jesus Christ, the solid rock, instead of a life built on the shifting sand of the world around them.”

It takes many hands to organize and orchestrate this weeklong event. The to-do list of decorating the chapel, purchasing the crafts, ordering the shirts, planning each lesson, and coordinating volunteers takes approximately 6 months according to Jessica Merrill, Wings Chapel children’s ministry leader.

“Utilizing the chapel staff along with volunteers has made for an amazing team to put on VBS this year,” said Merrill. “We need the staff to help with everything from purchase requests to coordinating with vendors. They helped us find local businesses to work with which helped keep resources right here in our neighboring cities.”

The Fort Novosel chaplains play a major role in not only hosting VBS but also putting boots to the ground throughout the event. Denna Taylor, Wings Chapel children’s ministry coordinator, said that the Chaplains played an important role in ministering to the youth on Fort Novosel.

“Chaplains are instrumental in dotting all of the I’s and crossing all of the T’s to allow us to do ministry here,” said Taylor. “We are only able to host VBS because of the hard work of the chaplains and the volunteers from the community.”

The main chapel had several elaborate beach displays filled with bible verses immersing the students thematically for a week of learning and fun.  All the work paid off, according to Merrill, to see the kids' faces showing up each morning.

“The chapel team has really come together to put this on, everyone has gone above and beyond expectations. We had moms bring their older kids in to help decorate, it’s just been really cool to see the community work alongside each other on this.”

Fort Novosel Chapel volunteers gather inside Wings Chapel after vacation bible school July 23, 2024.
Fort Novosel Chapel volunteers gather inside Wings Chapel after vacation bible school July 23, 2024. (Photo Credit: Brittany Trumbull) VIEW ORIGINAL

For more information on the chapel services on Fort Novosel check out their webpage at Chaplain and Religious Support Office :: Fort Novosel (