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Fort Moore Vet Warns: Heartworm Prevention is Essential for Your Dog’s Health

By Jessie HudsonJuly 18, 2024

Fort Moore Vet Warns: Heartworm Prevention is Essential for Your Dog’s Health
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A dog's heart, infected with heartworms, sits in a jar on a counter, June 28, 2024, at the Veterinary Clinic, Fort Moore, Ga. The clinic provides heartworm testing and preventatives for all dogs registered on Fort Moore. (U.S. Army photo by Jessie Hudson) (Photo Credit: Jessie Hudson) VIEW ORIGINAL
Fort Moore Vet Warns: Heartworm Prevention is Essential for Your Dog’s Health
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A jar holding a dog heart, infected with heartworms, is used as a teaching tool to show the importance of heartworm prevention, June 28, 2024, Fort Moore, Ga. (U.S. Army photo by Jessie Hudson) (Photo Credit: Jessie Hudson) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT MOORE, Ga. – A silent threat lurks in the hearts of our beloved dogs, one that can be easily prevented but often overlooked. The veterinarians at Fort Moore are sounding the alarm: heartworm disease is deadly, and giving your dog a preventative is a must.

Cpt. Madison Correa, a veterinarian at the Fort Moore Veterinary Clinic, has seen firsthand the devastating effects of heartworm disease. “Heartworms are parasites that can cause severe lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in dogs,” she explained. “It’s heartbreaking because it’s entirely preventable.”

Heartworms are transmitted through mosquito bites, making all dogs vulnerable. Even a single bite from an infected mosquito can start a chain reaction that leads to serious health issues. Once inside, the heartworms grow and multiply, causing blockages and damage that can be fatal.

“Symptoms can be subtle at first,” Correa said. “A dog might seem a little more tired or have a cough. But as the disease progresses, it can lead to weight loss, difficulty breathing, and eventually heart failure.”

The Fort Moore Veterinary Clinic offers a simple solution: keep your dog on a preventative year-round. This quick and painless solution can protect your pet from this life-threatening disease.

In addition to preventatives, the clinic provides heartworm tests to catch infections early. Early detection can mean the difference between life and death for your pet. “We can get rid of the heartworms once detected, but we cannot reverse the damage they have already done,” stated Correa. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your furry friend today and ensure they live a long, healthy life.

For more information or to book an appointment, contact the Fort Moore Veterinary Clinic at (706) 545-2027.


Fort Moore Veterinary Clinic Contact Information:

• Phone: (706) 545-2027

• Address: 6417 10th Division Ct., Bldg. 265

• Hours: Monday – Friday, see website for times