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US Army CBRNE command participates in bilateral exercise with Mexican military

By Walter T. Ham IVJuly 17, 2024

Exercise Fuerzas Amigas
Members of the U.S. Army practice search and rescue techniques in a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter during a simulated earthquake response as part of Fuerzas Amigas 2024 in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Fuerzas Amigas 2024 is an annual disaster- response exercise between the U.S. and Mexican militaries held from June 24-28 to strengthen partnerships and increase operational compatibility in the event of a cross-border humanitarian crisis. (Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Cathryn Lindsay) VIEW ORIGINAL

CUIDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — American Soldiers from the U.S. military’s premier chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosives command participated in a bilateral exercise with the Mexican Army in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, June 24-28, 2024.

Soldiers from the Fort Riley, Kansas-based 172nd Chemical Company (Hazard Response) supported the exercise known as Fuerzas Amigas, which means "friendly forces" in English.

The 172nd Chemical Company Soldiers were among the approximately 220 U.S. troops and 300 troops from the Mexican Armed Forces who participated in the annual exercise.

The Theater Security Cooperation exercise was designed to strengthen the military-to-military partnership between the U.S. and Mexico.

Exercise Fuerzas Amigas
Members of the Mexican military discuss Fuerzas Amigas 2024 with the U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez, Rafael Foley (right), and Brig. Gen. Tomika Seaberry (center), commanding general of the 4th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary). Fuerzas Amigas 2024 is an annual disaster-response exercise between the U.S. and Mexican militaries held from June 24-28 to strengthen partnerships and increase operational compatibility in the event of a cross-border humanitarian crisis. (Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Cathryn Lindsay) VIEW ORIGINAL

U.S. Army North served as the joint force land component command and maintained operational control of the exercise.

Part of U.S. Northern Command, U.S. Army North conducts defense of North America exercises and security cooperation activities to increase readiness and deter strategic competitors.

The exercise included command and control synchronization, chemical decontamination, mass casualty triage, evacuation and search and rescue training.

U.S. Army Hazard Response companies conduct chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear reconnaissance, surveillance and decontamination operations with conventional and Special Forces around the world and provide support to civil authorities across the nation.

Exercise Fuerzas Amigas
Members of U.S. and Mexican militaries practice fire extinguishing techniques during Fuerzas Amigas 2024 in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Fuerzas Amigas 2024 is an annual disaster-response exercise between the U.S. and Mexican militaries held from June 24-28 to strengthen partnerships and increase operational compatibility in the event of a cross-border humanitarian crisis. (Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Cathryn Lindsay) VIEW ORIGINAL

The 172nd Chemical Company is assigned to the 2nd Chemical Battalion, 48th Chemical Brigade and 20th CBRNE Command.

Headquartered on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the multifunctional and deployable 20th CBRNE Command is home to 75 percent of the active-duty U.S. Army’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians and CBRN specialists, as well as the 1st Area Medical Laboratory, CBRNE Analytical and Remediation Activity, five Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordination Teams and three Nuclear Disablement Teams (Infrastructure).

Soldiers and Army civilians from the 20th CBRNE Command deploy from 19 bases in 16 states to confront and defeat the world’s most dangerous hazards in support of joint, interagency and multinational operations.