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Dedication Ceremony

By John ZierowJune 20, 2024

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DUGWAY PROVING GROUND, Utah - Captain Tecarie Czarnecki and Technical Sergeant David Stone gave their lives in one final act of selfless service but it was their commitment to serving others during their lives that inspired leaders at Dugway Proving Ground to dedicate a test facility and training area after them.

While serving as the nuclear, medical, science officer for the 44th Florida Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team , CPT Tecarie Czarnecki, provided significant support to service members at Dugway Proving Ground. CPT Czarnecki was instrumental in helping Special Programs successfully execute multiple missions in Florida and she helped develop several courses that were incorporated into the Special Programs Division training materials for all National Guard Civil Support Teams. Specifically, CPT Czarnecki assisted with the development of the post blast analysis scenario that was part of the Domestic Response Capabilities Course at Dugway Proving Ground.

Additionally, Technical Sergeant David Stone also made significant contributions in support of the Special Programs Division which ensured the success of mobile training in Florida.

Sadly, on September 8th, 2013, CPT Czarnecki and Technical SGT Stone lost their lives while assisting a stranded motorist on interstate 10 in Florida.

In honor of their contributions to the safety and security of the nation, Dugway Proving Ground named the test center and training area that they worked on at Dugway, the Czarnecki Test Operations Center (CZ TOC) and the Stone Training Area. These facilities will serve as an enduring tribute and lasting legacy to these selfless service members who died as they lived, serving others.

Several members of the Stone family were in attendance at the dedication ceremony. They assisted in the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the site.