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Humphreys community enhance spiritual readiness on the National Day of Prayer

By Inkyeong YunJune 3, 2024

Maj. Gen. William (Hank) Taylor, commanding general of 2nd Infantry Division/Republic of Korea and U.S. Combined Division, delivers a remark at the National Day of Prayer luncheon, hosted by the U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys Religious Support...
Maj. Gen. William (Hank) Taylor, commanding general of 2nd Infantry Division/Republic of Korea and U.S. Combined Division, delivers a remark at the National Day of Prayer luncheon, hosted by the U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys Religious Support Officer, May 23, at the Morning Calm Conference Center, Camp Humphreys. (Photo Credit: Inkyeong Yun) VIEW ORIGINAL

CAMP HUMPHREYS, South Korea – Soldiers of various faith groups throughout Camp Humphreys gathered to observe the National Day of Prayer, May 23, at the Morning Calm Conference Center, Camp Humphreys.

The purpose of the event was to highlight the value of freely and openly practicing one’s faith, and the importance of prayer in strengthening spiritual resiliency and ensuring Soldier readiness, said Chaplain (Maj.) Matthew Hebebrand, deputy garrison chaplain, who also served as master of ceremonies during the event.

“We had all faith groups get together to acknowledge our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, to remind ourselves of our dependence on God’s blessing and praying for peace, continued guidance, and inspiration,” said Hebebrand. “This is an opportunity for the command teams to come together to acknowledge that spirituality is important to the life of the Soldier, of the military, and today is the day to put that out on display.”

More than 200 service members from U.S. Forces Korea, Eighth U.S. Army, along with 2nd Infantry Division/Republic of Korea and U.S. Combined Division participated in the observance, sharing prayers in their respective faiths around the table while also enjoying the luncheon. As the meal ended, guest speaker Maj. Gen. William (Hank) Taylor, who is the 2ID/RUCD commanding general, shared his experience with prayer as an individual, a Soldier, and as a leader.

Taylor encouraged leaders to pray in times of darkness. He noted spiritual readiness through prayer ties directly into Soldier readiness and is a key component of Holistic Health and Fitness, Army Field Manual 7-22.

“What is spiritual readiness? It is an ability to endure and overcome in time of stress hardship, tragedy by making meaningful life experiences out of the darkness that you are in,” said Taylor.

Taylor emphasized spiritual readiness is part of what makes an individual strong as a leader and is critical to any organization.

“Prayers help you communicate and make connection with something that is greater than you, added Taylor. “In time of darkness, build connection with greater purposes and prayer is the way to do it.”

U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys’ Religious Support Office and chapels offer a variety of programs to meet Soldiers and families’ religious and spiritual needs. You can visit to find out the chapel locations and services.