FORT BUCHANAN, PUERTO RICO—Over 70 Child and Youth Services (CYS) employees gathered at the Community Club on May 24 to conduct professional development workshops and to receive recognition.
The professional development workshop topics included child abuse prevention and reporting, bloodborne pathogens training, and sudden infant death syndrome training, among others.
"Today is a day to celebrate the success and the goals that all these CYS employees have achieved for our military children and their families. This event recognizes our employees and motivates them to continue doing an outstanding job," said Evelyn De La Cruz, facility director of the School Age and Middle School Center.
Col. Charles N. Moulton, Fort Buchanan's commanding officer, addressed the workforce during the event.
"Our CYS has undergone every inspection, assessment, and program review that there could be, and you have passed them with flying colors. It's a significant accomplishment because you know your jobs, so we appreciate what you do," said Moulton, referring to a recent unannounced Army Higher Headquarters Inspection.
Events that promote CYS' employee's professional development and recognize their performance are key to sustaining Fort Buchanan's commitment to supporting the needs of military families in Puerto Rico.
"Making our staff feel valued is our number one priority because if they are okay, that is going to transfer to the children and will reflect in the job they do inside the classroom," expressed Dr. Aryanex Rivera Acosta, School Age and Middle School Center trainer.
The time the CYS leadership takes to recognize the workforce dedication indicates Fort Buchanan's focus on its people.
Fort Buchanan's mission is to serve as a readiness enhancement platform and facilitate the deployment of military personnel to any place at any time.
With an annual investment in the local economy of over $500 million, Fort Buchanan serves a diverse military community of approximately 15,000 active-duty Reserve, National Guard, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Reserve members.
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