The Fort Gregg-Adams Public Affairs Office is continuing its long-standing tribute to high school graduates.
Submissions are now being accepted for the installation’s 2024 High School Graduation Tribute, which will be presented in an online digital format again this year.
This special product – published for the past 17 years – serves as an opportunity to highlight the efforts of community youth who have demonstrated perseverance, self-discipline and, in many cases, courage to complete their grade-school journeys. PAO will feature the 2023 High School Graduation Tribute on social media at and other platforms.
Last year’s salute resulted in hundreds of likes, loves, comments and shares.
All Team Gregg-Adams members can participate, including active-duty military, reservists, retirees, government civilians and contractors. To acknowledge as many high school seniors as possible prior to normally scheduled commencement activities, participants are asked to send their submissions before the deadline of June 10.
Photo submissions should be copyright-free (if taken by a studio or commercial vendor), well-lit, in-focus and saved in jpeg format. For the best display quality, the photo should be no smaller than 3-by-5 inches.
The following items are needed to participate in the tribute:
• Head-and-shoulders photo of each graduate
• First and last name of each student and each parent
• The parent’s place of duty and military rank, if applicable
• Student’s age and high school
• A telephone number to be used (but not published) if additional information is needed.
Materials can be submitted via email to For hand delivery, the PAO is located in the CASCOM headquarters, building 5020, room 4014, at the corner of Lee and A avenues. For questions, contact the PAO staff at 804-734-7451 or 734-7147.
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