The Army's EAP is There for Employees in Need

By Tara Davis, Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and ReadinessMay 2, 2024

When you start feeling tired or burned-out, getting out of that mindset can be almost impossible when tackling it on your own. The stress of an upcoming busy week at work, long distance travel or even personal plans can start to weigh on you. That’s why the Army has an Employee Assistance Program to help employees during times of increased stress.

Army EAP is a voluntary, confidential work-based benefit to help Army employees navigate life challenges that may adversely affect their job performance, well-being and personal lives. This benefit is primarily for the Army’s Civilian workforce. It is the first component of the Employee Wellness Program established by Congress because of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Public Law 79-658. DODI 1010.09 further explains how the EAP is executed and delivered to federal government employees.

Dr. Terrence Elliott, substance misuse prevention specialist and EAP services representative at Department of the Army headquarters, DCS, G-9's Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness, says, “The program is available to current Department of the Army Civilian employees, Family members of active-duty personnel, Family members of eligible Civilian personnel, military retirees and their Family members, and members of the Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve when not on active duty.”

Eligible Department of the Army employees are referred to the program in many ways. Eligible employees can refer themselves, or referrals may be initiated by management, unions, Family members, co-workers and other service agencies. Referrals may be made for investigation/ apprehension purposes or for medical reasons. Employees seek care from the EAP for many reasons, including stress management, burnout, anxiety, depression, grief, addiction, workplace stress and other work-related issues.

“Normally, an individual will enroll by seeing the EAP face-to-face (have a direct interview for initial screening) and will fill out a client information/intake form, and a Civilian Employee Consent Statement regarding confidential information,” says Elliott. “The initial screening identifies, gathers, documents and evaluates the client’s strengths, weaknesses, problems and needs, and lays the groundwork for an action plan.”

Elliott shares that EAP coordinators are certified EAP professionals and are there to help identify problems, make basic screening determinations and refer help seekers to further care. “EAPCs are not credentialed to provide mental health care and are not clinicians. The EAPC’s responsibility is to help identify problems, make a basic screening determination, provide short-term nonclinical intervention counseling and provide indicated referral options.”

There are no major differences between Civilian EAP programs and the Army EAP program except for the local on-post resources exclusive to the Army enterprise, which EAPCs may use to refer Department of the Army employees. Army EAPCs serve to help you be the best you can be by mitigating stress and anxiety that may hinder your work performance, mission readiness and professional growth.

EAP resources can be accessed by contacting the Alcohol and Drug Control officer or ASAP manager at your appropriate ASAP location. For more information about the EAP, visit https:// or the Community Resource Guide.