BEMOWO PISKIE TRAINING AREA, POLAND — In a display of precision and coordination, the 5-4 Air Defense Artillery Regiment (ADAR) and the 2nd Cavalry Regiment participated in a combined arms live-fire exercise (CALFEX) during Saber Strike 2024 at the Bemowo Piskie Training Area, April 8 - 30.
Saber Strike is one of the three sub-exercises that comprise DEFENDER 24, the largest U.S. Army exercise in Europe and includes more than 17,000 U.S. and 23,000 multinational service members from more than 20 Allied and partner nations. DEFENDER 24 is focused on the strategic deployment of continental, U.S.-based forces, employment of U.S. Army prepositioned stocks, and interoperability with Allies and Partners at exercise locations across 13 European countries. It seeks to deter adversaries, transform operational mission command, build readiness, and strengthen the NATO Alliance.
Saber Strike demonstrated the integration of air defense and maneuver units, showcasing their tactical prowess and serving as a testing ground for the new Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense System (M-SHORAD).
U.S. Army Sgt. Tristan Haigh, a Cavalry Scout assigned to 2CR, explained the importance of air defense in a maneuver setting.
“Integrating air defense into our scout operations really helps with our security because we can have our main focus on the ground while air defense has their eyes in the sky," Haigh said. "It helps us overall with the security and overall success of the mission.”
The highlight of the exercise was the deployment of the M-SHORAD, a cutting-edge platform designed to protect maneuvering forces from aerial threats. It represents a significant advancement in providing strategic short-range air defense, enhancing maneuvering capabilities, and supporting maneuver commanders, thereby increasing protection for their operations. This heightened maneuverability strengthens overall short-range defensive capabilities.
U.S. Army Capt. Bryce Land, a key figure in testing and evaluating new defense technologies, emphasized the strategic importance of these exercises.
"The Army Test and Evaluation Command’s (ATEC) CG has charged the Operational Test Command (OTC) and the Army Evaluation Command (AEC) with updating the way we test new equipment and systems," Land said. "The M-SHORAD participation at Saber Strike 2024 is allowing us to gain an understanding of what it will take to conduct testing in contact while utilizing operational fielded unit training. This is the first of many operational events that will be used to provide Army leadership valuable data to inform the decision on full rate production."

This year’s CALFEX not only refined tactical operations but also fostered international defense cooperation. The rigorous exercise provided real-world conditions to test the effectiveness of the M-SHORAD and its operators. Units participating alongside the 5-4 ADAR included air defense elements from several NATO countries, such as Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain, and several others. The successful integration of multinational forces underscored NATO's collective commitment to defending its member states.
Growth and modernization through new air defense systems like the M-SHORAD not only showcase our dedication to NATO but also provide invaluable opportunities for our leaders and Soldiers to strengthen bonds with our NATO Allies.
As Saber Strike 2024 concludes, the lessons learned and data gathered from the use of the M-SHORAD will influence future deployment strategies and defense procurements, ensuring that NATO forces remain capable of countering sophisticated aerial threats. The ongoing collaboration and training are vital in maintaining the tactical edge necessary for securing peace and stability in the region.
For further inquiries, please contact 52D ADA BDE Public Affairs at +49 (0)162.761.0897 or via email at
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