YPG Education Center provides vital link to higher education on post

By Ana HendersonApril 24, 2024

The Yuma Proving Ground Education Center is located on the Howard Cantonment, building 501, room 102 on the first floor. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Tami Ramos can be reached by calling (928) 328-3926.
The Yuma Proving Ground Education Center is located on the Howard Cantonment, building 501, room 102 on the first floor. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Tami Ramos can be reached by calling (928) 328-3926. (Photo Credit: Ana Henderson) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) Education Center is the link between higher education and Soldiers.

The center also provides services for retirees, spouses, firefighters and just about anyone who wants to enhance their learning. Tami Ramos, test examiner at YPG’s Education Center will guide you through the process.

“YPG is a spoke of the hub for Fort Huachuca Education Center. I am, unfortunately not a counselor so there are a lot of questions I cannot answer, however, if there are any questions regarding tuition assistance, credentialing assistance, or Army Ignited you can call me, and I can get you in contact with a Fort Huachuca counselor.”

For Soldiers, the Education Center provides the tests needed to advance their career.

“The most crucial tests for the Soldiers are those that provide them promotion points. Those tests are DLPT [Defense Language Proficiency Test] and OPI [Oral Proficiency Interview], which are language tests.”

Ramos also provides, Defense Language Aptitude Battery and Selection Instrument for Flight Training which is a flight test and the Armed Forces Classification Test which is a multi-part test used to identify individual aptitudes and areas of greatest career potential.

In addition to helping Soldiers, Ramos works with the Assistant Fire Chief for Training Chris Cape to offer YPG Fire Department firefighters career development training and she proctors exams for the YPG Military Police.

The Education Center also provides a link between other educational entities. Since YPG is remotely located on the outskirts of the City of Yuma, Ramos books regular visits with representative from colleges and universities to make the trip to YPG. Those representatives can answer questions specific to their educational institution.

“We have a Veterans representative that comes out at least monthly from our local college, Arizona Western College. They have a memo of understanding with our post and I also have regular visits when needed with Northern Arizona University and Grand Canyon University reps. They are here when they are needed either from students or potential students. We can set up visits either one on one or through phone calls.”

This service is provided for the purpose of informing students about higher learning and is not intended as an endorsement by YPG or the Education Center. For testing Ramos urges people to make an appointment.

The Education Center is on the Howard Cantonment, building 501, room 102 (first floor). Hours are Monday-Thursday 6 a.m.-4 p.m. The number is (928) 328-3926.