Sudan Abdur-Rahman is nimble on his feet, and the quality assurance engineer for the Joint Munitions Command self-professes that many of his interests are nerdy.
But the duties involved with Abdur-Rahman’s job make a difference.
“The work I do I know how it affects people,” he said. “It has an impact in the world and a traceable one.”
Aaron Meyers, the Quality Assurance Engineering Division Chief for JMC, interjects that Abdur-Rahman is an essential asset.
“Sudan is always looking to move the needle forward, whether that’s through marketing JMC to outside organizations or conducting in-depth analysis to ensure that Army readiness is maintained,” Meyers said. “He serves as the engineering team lead for the artillery program.”
Abdur-Rahman, who has been employed at JMC for eight years, was recently recognized for what he does. In late February, Abdur-Rahman was named a co-Junior Engineer of the Year award winner by the Quad City Engineering and Science Council.
“It feels pretty special for me to get the award,” Abdur-Rahman said. “I was surprised by it for sure. I’ve also been more inspired by it, because seeing the other award winners, I was thinking that I could be doing more, so I’m going to try to do even more.”
His father, who donned an Army uniform for one and half years, as well as his paternal and maternal grandfathers, also Army Veterans, and his half-brother, who served five years, inspired Abdur-Rahman to pursue a Civilian career, and he offers valuable advice to newcomers in that role.
“Make friends and know that you’re in charge of your own career,” said Abdur-Rahman, who holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical and life science engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University. “Be willing to speak up and voice your concerns.”
The work-life balance that JMC offers means Abdur-Rahman has time to teach individuals the art of Latin-based dancing, partner dancing, and one African-based dance. He also impacts the community in another way.
“I like to help kids understand their opportunities for the future,” said Abdur-Rahman. “I just want to inspire at least one of them.”
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