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Fort Buchanan leaders gather for Installation Planning Board

By Carlos CuebasApril 19, 2024

Fort Buchanan leaders gather for Installation Planning Board
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. Robert D. Harter, Commanding General, 81st Readiness Division and Fort Buchanan's senior commander, along with Patrick J. Appelman, Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Readiness Director, Col. Charles N. Moulton, Fort Buchanan commander, and other installation leaders and partners met at the Fort Buchanan headquarters on April 18 to conduct the Installation Planning Board in an effort led by the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) section. (Photo Credit: Carlos Cuebas) VIEW ORIGINAL
Fort Buchanan leaders gather for Installation Planning Board
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. Robert D. Harter, Commanding General, 81st Readiness Division and Fort Buchanan's senior commander, along with Patrick J. Appelman, Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Readiness Director, Col. Charles N. Moulton, Fort Buchanan commander, and other installation leaders and partners met at the Fort Buchanan headquarters on April 18 to conduct the Installation Planning Board in an effort led by the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) section. (Photo Credit: Carlos Cuebas) VIEW ORIGINAL
Fort Buchanan leaders gather for Installation Planning Board
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. Robert D. Harter, Commanding General, 81st Readiness Division and Fort Buchanan's senior commander, along with Patrick J. Appelman, Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Readiness Director, Col. Charles N. Moulton, Fort Buchanan commander, and other installation leaders and partners met at the Fort Buchanan headquarters on April 18 to conduct the Installation Planning Board in an effort led by the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) section. (Photo Credit: Carlos Cuebas) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BUCHANAN, PUERTO RICO- Maj. Gen. Robert D. Harter, Commanding General, 81st Readiness Division and Fort Buchanan's senior commander, along with Patrick J. Appelman, Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Readiness Director, Col. Charles N. Moulton, Fort Buchanan commander, and other installation leaders and partners met at the Fort Buchanan headquarters on April 18 to conduct the Installation Planning Board in an effort led by the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) section.

The Installation Planning Board is the principal executive forum for integrating all installation support efforts and aligning tenant activities with the senior commander's vision. It is the culminating governance body for working groups and feeder boards held cyclically. It aligns resources and secures senior leader support to achieve senior commander priorities and mission partner needs.

"The purpose of everything we present here is nested in USARC's priorities: People, Readiness, and Modernization. This effort is also aligned with the Installation Management Command Lines of Effort to provide soldier and family services, manage the regular Army's infrastructure, and support warfighter readiness and ability to deploy while enabling and supporting critical Army quality of life initiatives" said Multon during his opening remarks.

Jose R. Boria, Chief PAIO, and Hector Martinez PAIO Plans Specialist, initiated the presentation by describing Fort Buchanan's areas of operation and interest, which include Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and South America.

"Some of our tenants support organizations in Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and the Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Our Directorate of Human Resources provides casualty assistance and retirement services support throughout Latin America," said Boria.

Next, a video showcasing Fort Buchanan's efforts and achievements was presented to the audience. Lt. Col. Robert A. Behrman, Deputy Garrison commander, provided context and introduced the Integrated Priority List managers.

"We will be talking about Mobilization Force Generation Installation Capability and the ability to mobilize forces from Puerto Rico to a Theater of War without going to the continental United States first. We will also talk about efforts to build an adaptable community that supports the readiness of our tenant units," said Behrman.

The directors of the Network Enterprise Center, the Directorate of Family & Morale, Welfare and Recreation, the Directorate of Human Resources, the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization & Security, the Directorate of Emergency Services, and the Directorate of Public Works presented in detail their priority items for fiscal year 2025.

Maj. Gen. Harter was pleased with the plans presented.

"Great presentation. My guidance to you is to keep identifying your priorities. We work on these projects; sometimes, you get frustrated because things are not always funded. I say to you, keep doing it. You never know if, at the last minute, we can get additional funding available. Don't lose faith," said Harter.

Appelman also encouraged the Fort Buchanan team to stay focused on the priorities.

"This is a very impressive briefing. A lot of work went into it. I challenge all of you not to let these priorities stay still for a year. Work on them and verify them so the next time you report, you can also explain what you have done in the last year about these initiatives," said Appelman.

Fort Buchanan is the Army's home in the Caribbean and serves a diverse military community of approximately 15,000 active duty, Reserve and National Guard military, Marine Corps Reserve, and Navy Reserve Center.