FACT SHEET: Cyber Assignment Incentive Pay

By U.S. Army Cyber CommandApril 10, 2024

Soldiers of the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade assiged to the U.S. Cyber Command's Cyber National Mission Force participate in a training and readiness exercise at Fort George G. Meade, Md., May 24, 2021. (Photo by Josef Cole)
Soldiers of the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade assiged to the U.S. Cyber Command's Cyber National Mission Force participate in a training and readiness exercise at Fort George G. Meade, Md., May 24, 2021. (Photo by Josef Cole) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

What is Cyber Assignment Incentive Pay (CAIP)?

Cyber Assignment Incentive Pay (CAIP) is the Army’s commitment to ensuring mission readiness by incentivizing Soldiers serving in critical cyberspace roles. CAIP targets Soldiers with specialized skills to meet readiness challenges and support national security objectives.

CAIP currently ranges from $200 to $1,500 per month based on assignment, certification, and skill level, and determined on a tiered proficiency scale (basic, senior, master) within designated work roles and units.

Who is eligible to receive CAIP?

Commissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted Soldiers in the active Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard may be eligible to receive CAIP if they are:

  • Fully certified in a designated U.S. Cyber Command or U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) work role and/or executing cyberspace operations and assigned to approved units
  • Not flagged due to adverse personnel actions or pending actions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
  • Not permanently non-deployable
  • Are not receiving Special Duty Assignment Pay (Personnel receiving SDAP will be required to terminate that incentive if they wish to receive CAIP during Fiscal Year 24)

Must I hold a Cyber Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or branch assignment to receive CAIP?

CAIP applicants can hold MOSs or branch assignments other than cyber, but must be Job Qualification Record qualified and certified through the U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) Work Role Certification Program (WRCP) and/or continue to execute cyberspace operations in an approved unit and Cyber Mission Force work role as identified in current CAIP Implementation Guidance.

How do I request to receive CAIP?

Personnel who wish to request CAIP must complete written agreements in the Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army (submit a Personnel Actions Request and DA Form 2446 Request For Orders). This process provides auditable records of pending applications and transactions visible to applicants and their leadership.

Does CAIP move with me if I make a permanent change of station (PCS)?

It may, if the recipient is still eligible under current CAIP Implementation Guidance. However, recipients must stop their CAIP entitlement when departing the losing station and reapply upon arrival at the new duty station.

How do I get more information on CAIP?

For general information on CAIP, contact the ARCYBER Military Personnel division at arcyber-g1-mpd@army.mil. For more information on the WRCP, contact the ARCYBER Future Operations, Training, Readiness and Exercises Division at arcyber-g357-tng@army.mil. For more information on applicable skill identifiers for cyber work roles, go to https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/24-134 (Common Access Card required).


ABOUT U.S. ARMY CYBER COMMAND: U.S. Army Cyber Command integrates and conducts cyberspace operations, electromagnetic warfare, and information operations, ensuring decision dominance and freedom of action for friendly forces in and through the cyber domain and the information dimension, while denying the same to our adversaries.

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